First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2017, Year B

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Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 64:1-9)

Yahweh having hidden his face, Isaiah pleads for him to act mightily for those who wait for him. Many Israelites have taken Yahweh’s silence as occasion to sin: indeed all have fallen into iniquity. The prophet asks for mercy because they are his people and he is their father.

Psalm (80:1-7, 17-19)

The Psalmist, aware of Yahweh’s displeasure with his people, asks him three times to shine his face upon them that they might be saved. They have suffered greatly but Yahweh remains in their midst and will surely respond to their calls on his name.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 1:3-9)

St. Paul is thankful for the grace of God given to the Corinthians as evidenced in their speech and knowledge. Indeed, they lack no spiritual gift as they await the coming of the Lord Jesus and are assured of being strengthened to the end, made blameless by the God who is faithful.

Gospel (Mark 13:24-37)

In various ways Jesus encourages his disciples to be ready for his sudden return in great power and glory after a period of earth shaking events. These will occur within a generation and should serve to keep everyone alert, given that his words are more solid than the cosmos itself.


  • The people of God are called to wait expectantly for him in troubled times
  • Faithfulness in a time of waiting
  • Faithfulness in the silence of God
  • Waiting is difficult and dangerous
  • When God finally acts it will be decisive and unmistakable
  • God has provided what we need to remain faithful to the end