Transfiguration Sunday, March 3, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Exodus 34:29-35)

Moses receives the Ten Commandments for the second time on Mt. Sinai and descends with them to a chastened Israel. They are afraid because his face shines from the Presence of God. He wears a veil over his face and only takes it off whenever he goes in before the Lord.

Psalm (99)

The Psalmist depicts the Lord as a holy and exalted king over Israel and the nations. The earth quakes at his Presence and is called to praise his awesome name. He has spoken to Israel, establishing justice and righteousness and she is humbly to worship on his holy mountain.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2)

Paul writes that under the Old Covenant, minds remain veiled, like the face of Moses coming down from the mountain, until they turn to Jesus and are transformed into his glory by the Spirit. This makes Paul acutely aware of God’s mercy, providing him courage and motivation.

Gospel (Luke 9:28-36, [37-43a])

Jesus is transfigured, appearing in dazzling white between Moses and Elijah. A voice from heaven affirms him as his beloved Son, to whom all should listen. Jesus then delivers a boy from a demon after his disciples could not. All are amazed at the goodness of God.


  • Jesus reveals the glory of God in his own being
  • In the presence of God there is revelation of truth
  • Jesus shares the characteristics of divinity
  • Jesus, as the Son of God, completes and supersedes all who came before



Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, February 24, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Genesis 45:3-11, 15)

Joseph, now Pharaoh’s top official, reveals himself to his petitioning brothers who immediately fear he will seek revenge for having sold him into slavery. He assures them that God was behind it all, working to ensure the survival of Jacob’s family by providing a place for them in Egypt.

Psalm (37:1-11, 39-40)

The Psalmist urges a steady confidence in the Lord in the face of the apparent success of the wicked. They will soon fade from the scene while those who humbly take refuge in the Lord will eventually inherit the land and enter into salvation by his hand.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50)

Paul compares the resurrection body to the present body by contrasting a verdant plant and its bare seed. Just as our physical body, like Adam’s, was made of earth and for this world, so our spiritual body, like the last Adam’s, Christ, is glorious and perfect for everlasting life in heaven.

Gospel (Luke 6:27-38)

Not only does Jesus teach his followers to “go the second mile” with those who hate them, he commands them to love them as well. Everybody will help others for a reward. But Jesus says that God’s blessing will come to those who treat others as themselves not expecting a reward.


  • The final blessing of God far exceeds our expectations
  • Loving those who abuse us opens the door to God’s blessing for us and for them
  • The way of Jesus is not something that comes naturally, especially in the face of the success of those who do not follow him
  • God will provide what we need when we need it



Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 17, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Jeremiah 17:5-10)

Jeremiah declares that to trust in humankind is to end up like a plant dying in the desert. But to trust in the Lord is to be blessed, like a thriving tree planted by water, unafraid of any drought. The human heart is unreliable and known only to the Lord, who rewards those who do good.

Psalm (1)

The Psalmist declares happy those who ignore the advice of the wicked and instead delight in the Law of the Lord. They are like perpetually fruitful trees beside a river instead of chaff blown away by the wind. The wicked will suffer judgment while the Lord guides the righteous forever.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)

If it is true that the dead are not raised, says Paul, then the apostles are liars, Jesus is still dead, sin has not been dealt with, and the Christian dead have died without hope. We are the most pitiful people of all. But, in fact, Christ has been raised, the first of many others sure to follow.

Gospel (Luke 6:17-26)

A large crowd gathers to hear Jesus and to be healed by his evident power. He tells his disciples that the poor, the hungry, the sorrowful and the reviled will have their fortunes reversed, while those who are enjoying life now will lose it all. He warns that God’s heralds are never popular.


  • A message cannot be judged by how well it is received
  • The way of faithfulness is not immediately obvious
  • Jesus has power over every difficult circumstance and even death itself
  • The judgment of God will reverse every injustice and set things right
  • Following the ways of God ultimately leads to a full and fruitful life



Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 10, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 6:1-8, [9-13])

Isaiah is granted a compelling vision of the Lord, majestic and holy in his temple. Having his sinful lips purified from the altar, the shaken prophet agrees to deliver a message of judgment on a sinful people that will be ignored until it is too late. But from the ashes will come new life.

Psalm (138)

The Psalmist gives thanks to the Lord because his cries for help have been answered. Even kings will be impressed by his testimony of how the Lord lifts up the lowly. Confident of help in the midst of his troubles, he asks for the Lord’s support in order to fulfill his divine purpose.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)

Paul reminds the Corinthians that their faith and salvation are based on the truth of the apostolic witness to the bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His own encounter with the risen Christ while actively persecuting the Church is the perfect example of God’s grace at work.

Gospel (Luke 5:1-11)

At the seaside, Jesus teaches the crowd from Simon Peter’s boat and then instructs him to go into deeper water in order to fish. Peter, having tried earlier with no results, reluctantly agrees. Shaken after a huge catch, he and his partners leave all behind to catch people with Jesus.


  • Even though we are sinful and undeserving people, the Lord still uses us
  • Our witness to the work of God in our lives is part of his purpose for us
  • Our inability is no obstacle to God
  • With God, new life arises out of dead circumstances