Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:42-47)

The early church, newly endowed with the Holy Spirit, is radically committed to the apostles’ teaching and to a joyful common life both at home and at the temple. The apostles perform awe-inspiring miracles and many are drawn to join the new group.

Psalm (23)

The Psalmist sees the Lord as the good shepherd who looks after his flock, abundantly providing for them even in difficult circumstances. Goodness and mercy characterize a life lived in his fold.

Second Reading (1 Peter 2:19-25)

Peter points Christians who suffer unjustly to the example of Jesus, their true shepherd. He suffered greatly although innocent, patiently content to trust in God while bearing their sins and freeing them to follow the paths of righteousness.

Gospel (John 10:1-10)

Jesus refers to himself as both the door of the sheepfold and the shepherd whose voice the sheep know. They enter by him and are saved and pastured by him alone. Under his care the sheep enjoy abundant life. Other shepherds are pretenders to be avoided.



  • Human beings need caring for in a dangerous world
  • Jesus applies to himself the Old Testament roles of the Lord God
  • Christianity is a flock activity
  • Jesus is the indispensable centre of the Christian faith
  • Following the Lord means living as he commands


I am the good shepherd, says the Lord: I know my own and my own know me. John 10.14


O God of peace,
who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ, that great shepherd of the sheep,
by the blood of the eternal covenant,
make us perfect in every good work to do your will, and work in us that which is well-pleasing in your sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN


Epiphany of the Lord, January 6, 2020, Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 60:1-6)

Isaiah informs Israel that, while things are indeed dark at present, a dramatic change is coming. The glory of the Lord will so shine upon them that the nations will be attracted and bring gifts, including gold and frankincense, to a joyfully reunited and thriving Israel.

Psalm (72:1-7, 10-14)

The Psalm is a prayer for the king, that he may rule in justice and righteousness, defending the poor and crushing the oppressor. May the kings of the nations bring him tribute and gifts, bowing down and serving him. May he live forever!

Second Reading (Ephesians 3:1-12)

St. Paul speaks of the mystery, now revealed especially in his own apostleship, of how the Gentiles are to be included in the people of God. This was always God’s purpose in sending Jesus, to whom anyone at all can come by faith.

Gospel (Matthew 2:1-12)

Scholars from the East tell King Herod of another king whose birth was marked by a star. Following it to Bethlehem, they find and worship the child, giving him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Warned in a dream, they avoid a jealous Herod and start home.


  • The nations come to the King bearing gifts (no nation left behind)
  • The inclusion of the Gentiles in the plan of God
  • The time of fulfillment is breaking upon us with the birth of Jesus
  • The sheer enormity of the Christ-event
  • Gifts for a King?






All Saints Day, November 1, 2019, Year C

Lection Connection for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday October 3, 2019 can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18)

Daniel envisions four great kings or kingdoms arising out of the earth. Each is described as a horrific “beast”, striking terror in the heart of the prophet. In spite of this threatening scenario, Daniel is assured that the kingdom will finally belong to the holy ones of God forever.

Psalm (149)

The Psalm calls for praise to the Lord because he gives glorious victory to lowly Israel, setting it over the kings and nobles of the nations.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:11-23)

Paul writes of the glorious inheritance we now have in Christ, rooted in the power exhibited in his resurrection and demonstrated in his being designated head over all things. While he is our head, we are his body and therefore share in his fullness.

Gospel (Luke 6:20-31)

The Beatitudes make it clear that the kingdom of God will be upside down from our normal experience. The lowly will be made great and vice versa. We are called to embody this upside- down way of life, loving our enemies and treating them as we ourselves desire to be treated.


  • God will grant the kingdom to his humble and holy people
  • Exaltation is not ours to grasp. It will be the gift of God
  • The normal human ways to exalt ourselves over others will ultimately result in our downfall
  • No matter how exalted, no human power will prevail over the kingdom of God
  • As those who belong to Christ, all saints already participate in his exaltation

Second Sunday after Pentecost, June 23, 2019, Proper 7, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (1 Kings19:1-4, [5-7] 8-15a)

Queen Jezebel threatens the life of Elijah, the prophet of the Lord who had just bested and destroyed the prophets of Baal, her god. Elijah flees to the desert but falls into depression. The Lord comes to him at Sinai in the silence after earthquake and fire.

 Psalms (42 and 43)

In spite of despairing in the seeming absence of God and being oppressed by his enemies, the Psalmist finds refuge in his memory of past encounters with the Lord. He knows that he will be vindicated in the end and again rejoice in divine help.

Second Reading (Galatians 3:23-29)

Before Christ came the way to God was by means of law but now it is by means of faith. Law imprisons but faith, by joining us to Christ, enables us to share in being children of God. All other distinctions such as race, gender or social status, no longer apply.

Gospel (Luke 8:26-39)

Venturing into Gentile territory, Jesus encounters a man totally possessed by demons. Jesus sovereignly casts them out into a herd of swine, who drown themselves. The local people are filled with fear and Jesus departs, leaving the healed man to bear witness.


  • Christ always leaves a witness
  • The Lord is superior to all who are opposed to him
  • The Lord is sovereign over all the world and all powers
  • God’s children are never in foreign territory
  • Opposition to God, while powerful, is unable to stand in his way

Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (Isaiah 65:1-9)

Isaiah expresses his frustration at being rebuffed by the people of Israel who were following other gods and foreign religious practices. The Lord declares that they will be punished, but, for the sake of his servant, restored instead of destroyed.

Psalm (22:19-28)

Under vicious attack from his enemies, the Psalmist cries out to the Lord for help. He remains confident of a favourable response because of previous deliverances. All the earth will turn to the Lord and worship him because he rules supreme over the earth.

Second Reading (Galatians 3:23-29)

Before Christ the way to God was by means of law but now it is by means of faith. Law imprisons but faith, by joining us to Christ, enables us to share in being children of God. All other distinctions such as race, gender or social status, no longer apply.

Gospel (Luke 8:26-39)

Venturing into Gentile territory, Jesus encounters a man totally possessed by demons. Jesus sovereignly casts them out into a herd of swine, who drown themselves. The local people are filled with fear and Jesus departs, leaving the healed man to bear witness.


  • Christ always leaves a witness
  • The Lord is superior to all who are opposed to him
  • The Lord is sovereign over all the world and all powers
  • God’s children are never in foreign territory
  • Opposition to God, while powerful, is unable to stand in his way
  • We cannot earn our salvation


Day of Pentecost, June 9, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in the languages of astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Romans 8:14-17)

Paul identifies the Holy Spirit as the one who connects us so intimately to Christ that we share in being God’s children and heirs with him of the glory to come. Led by the Spirit, we are no longer slaves but adopted children, bearing the confirming inner witness of his Spirit.

Gospel (John 14:8-17 [25-27])

Just before he dies Jesus teaches that his works show that he and the Father are one. In fact, those who love him and follow him will actually do more, receiving all they ask in his name. Given the Spirit of truth to remind them of his teaching, they will enjoy his unique peace.


  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable and extend the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit is Christ-with-us and in us
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit more than makes up for the physical absence of Jesus

Based on the Alternate Readings

First Reading (Genesis 11:1-9)

Not long after creation humans have one language but they make a prideful attempt to build a great tower in Babel in order to reach all the way to heaven. The Lord is upset and causes them to speak in different tongues to frustrate their efforts and scatter them over the earth.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in the languages of astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Gospel (John 14:8-17 [25-27])

Just before he dies Jesus teaches that his works show that he and the Father are one. In fact, those who love him and follow him will actually do more, receiving all they ask in his name. Given the Spirit of truth to remind them of his teaching, they will enjoy his unique peace.


  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit more than makes up for the physical absence of Jesus
  • The disunity of humanity expressed in language, is no barrier to the Gospel




Ascension Sunday, Year C, June 2, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 1:1-11)

After his resurrection Jesus teaches his disciples about the kingdom of God for forty days. Telling them to wait for the baptism in the Holy Spirit to enable them to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth, he is lifted up into a cloud with a promise that he will return in the same way.

Psalm (47)

Having subdued the whole earth through his people Israel, the Lord has ascended to his throne with thunderous acclamation. The nations are now included in his people, exalting him as their king and joining in joyful praise.


Alternate Psalm (93)

The Lord is the everlasting and universal king of creation, his creation. He is far more majestic than even the awesome thunder of the heavens or the crashing waves of the sea. His laws are sure and his house is holy.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:15-23)

Having heard of the faith and love of the Ephesians, Paul gives thanks and prays that they will know the rich hope to which they are called. God, whose power raised Jesus from the dead and seated him on high over all other authorities, will do this. He is the head of his body, the church.

Gospel (Luke 24:44-53)

In his last resurrection appearance Jesus shows his disciples how the Scriptures predicted his suffering and rising. Witnesses to this, they are to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in his name even to the ends of the earth. With that he blesses them and ascends into heaven.


  • The ascension of Jesus to the Father marks the end of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his ministry extended through the church
  • The ascension of Jesus reveals his true position as the authoritative Son of God
  • Jesus’ followers are to carry the gospel of his kingdom to all the earth and all its inhabitants
  • Jesus ascends to the place of God as universal king over all the nations




Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 17, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Jeremiah 17:5-10)

Jeremiah declares that to trust in humankind is to end up like a plant dying in the desert. But to trust in the Lord is to be blessed, like a thriving tree planted by water, unafraid of any drought. The human heart is unreliable and known only to the Lord, who rewards those who do good.

Psalm (1)

The Psalmist declares happy those who ignore the advice of the wicked and instead delight in the Law of the Lord. They are like perpetually fruitful trees beside a river instead of chaff blown away by the wind. The wicked will suffer judgment while the Lord guides the righteous forever.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 15:12-20)

If it is true that the dead are not raised, says Paul, then the apostles are liars, Jesus is still dead, sin has not been dealt with, and the Christian dead have died without hope. We are the most pitiful people of all. But, in fact, Christ has been raised, the first of many others sure to follow.

Gospel (Luke 6:17-26)

A large crowd gathers to hear Jesus and to be healed by his evident power. He tells his disciples that the poor, the hungry, the sorrowful and the reviled will have their fortunes reversed, while those who are enjoying life now will lose it all. He warns that God’s heralds are never popular.


  • A message cannot be judged by how well it is received
  • The way of faithfulness is not immediately obvious
  • Jesus has power over every difficult circumstance and even death itself
  • The judgment of God will reverse every injustice and set things right
  • Following the ways of God ultimately leads to a full and fruitful life



Nativity of the Lord – Proper III, December 25, 2018, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 52:7-10)

Jerusalem’s watchmen, seeing the Lord return with salvation for the ruined city, are exhorted to call her to joyful celebration.  All nations will observe her people comforted and redeemed as the Lord acts in sovereign power.

Psalm (98)

All nature is called loudly to celebrate the coming victory of the Lord on behalf of Israel. Every nation will observe the powerful vindication of his people, aware that he will act fairly and rightly as universal judge.

Second Reading (Hebrews 1:1-4, [5-12])

The author celebrates the fact that God has spoken through his Son, who, reflecting him perfectly, is both creator and heir of all things. Much superior to the worshipping angels at his birth, he has made purification for our sins and his kingdom is never ending.

Gospel (John 1:1-14)

St. John tells us that with the Word of creation taking on flesh, God himself has come among us as light and life. John the Baptist serves as its witness but not all to whom the Word is sent receive him. Believers, conversely, are born of God and made his children.


  • Creation, all over again/All things made new
  • Announcing/giving witness to the Word
  • The difference made by God’s arrival: it’s like night and day
  • Celebrating new birth
  • The universal significance of the coming of God’s salvation
  • The nations will be aware of the coming of God’s salvation





Nativity of the Lord – Proper II, December 25, 2018, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 62:6-12)

Jerusalem will enjoy a reversal of its low estate when the Lord’s salvation comes. Its inhabitants will reap the rewards of their labour and be known throughout the whole earth as a holy people, redeemed by the Lord and living in a city no longer forsaken.

Psalm (97)

The Psalmist celebrates the fact that the Lord is king over the whole earth and calls all people to joyful thanksgiving. The nations behold his superior power and majesty over all other pretenders. His light dawns over the righteous, rescuing them from the wicked.

Second Reading (Titus 3:4-7)

The goodness and love of God has appeared and has saved us through the waters of rebirth and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It was through his mercy and not our own efforts that this occurred, making us heirs of eternal life through grace alone.

Gospel (Luke 2: [1-7], 8-20)

St. Luke tells how Jesus is born in the line and city of David to the praise of angels. They appear to a band of humble shepherds in glorious light, directing them to a simple manger. There they encounter the tiny Messiah whose coming had so stirred the angels.


  • The arrival of God’s salvation
  • Hoping in God’s salvation
  • The universal and enduring significance of the birth of Jesus
  • The Light shines in the darkness
  • God lifts up the fallen who cannot save themselves








Third Sunday of Advent, December 16, 2018, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Zephaniah 3:14-20)

The prophet Zephaniah calls upon Israel to rejoice because, in his vision, he sees the Lord turn away her enemies. Israel should not fear because her true King will arrive victoriously, bring the exiles home and change the people’s shame as outcasts into the praise of nations.

Psalm/Canticle (Isaiah 12:2-6)

The prophet Isaiah proclaims his trust in the Lord, who is his strength and salvation. And Israel will draw from this same well, giving thanks and praising the Lord among the nations for what he has done for them. Exult O royal Zion, for your Holy One is in your midst!

Second Reading (Philippians 4:4-7)

Paul encourages the Philippians to be always rejoicing in the Lord. They should be known for their gentleness, knowing the Lord is near. Looking to him in prayer, they will know the deep peace of having their hearts and minds protected by presence of Christ.

Gospel (Luke 3:7-18)

John has distain for those who are coming to him for baptism but who fail to exhibit true repentance in their lives by changing their behaviour. Merely being Jews is not enough to escape the coming judgment. He points to a greater one coming to baptize with the Holy Spirit.


  • The coming of the Lord is both judgment and salvation
  • Greater things are coming
  • Preparing for Jesus involves trust and righteous living, the keys to true peace
  • Knowing the Lord is coming should affect the way we live