Lection Connection for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday October 3, 2019 can be found here.
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Full lections can be read here.
Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18)
Daniel envisions four great kings or kingdoms arising out of the earth. Each is described as a horrific “beast”, striking terror in the heart of the prophet. In spite of this threatening scenario, Daniel is assured that the kingdom will finally belong to the holy ones of God forever.
Psalm (149)
The Psalm calls for praise to the Lord because he gives glorious victory to lowly Israel, setting it over the kings and nobles of the nations.
Second Reading (Ephesians 1:11-23)
Paul writes of the glorious inheritance we now have in Christ, rooted in the power exhibited in his resurrection and demonstrated in his being designated head over all things. While he is our head, we are his body and therefore share in his fullness.
Gospel (Luke 6:20-31)
The Beatitudes make it clear that the kingdom of God will be upside down from our normal experience. The lowly will be made great and vice versa. We are called to embody this upside- down way of life, loving our enemies and treating them as we ourselves desire to be treated.
- God will grant the kingdom to his humble and holy people
- Exaltation is not ours to grasp. It will be the gift of God
- The normal human ways to exalt ourselves over others will ultimately result in our downfall
- No matter how exalted, no human power will prevail over the kingdom of God
- As those who belong to Christ, all saints already participate in his exaltation