Third Sunday of Advent, December 15, 2019, Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 35:1-10)

The prophet Isaiah foresees a new era when the Lord gloriously bursts into creation and rescues Israel. The parched land will blossom while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. The Lord will provide a highway to Zion’s everlasting joy for those he ransomed.

Psalm (146:5-10)

The Psalmist declares happy all those whose hope is in the Lord because he will keep faith forever. He is the almighty creator and the one who lifts up all who are oppressed and brings down all who are wicked. He will reign in Zion forever.

Second Reading (James 5:7-10)

James encourages those looking for the Lord to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives to set things right, they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings like the prophets of old.

Gospel (Matthew 11:2-11)

The imprisoned John the Baptist sends his disciples to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come. Jesus simply refers to the remarkable things they see, including the healing of the blind, the lame, and the deaf. The least in the kingdom, he says, is greater than even John.


  • One day God will set things right at last with the return of Christ
  • The way to exaltation is through humility
  • Our present perspective on things is extremely limited
  • Taking God at his word requires patience and humility in the face of our present experience
  • Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what God has prepared for those who love him, but they will


Based on the Alternative “Psalm”

First Reading (Isaiah 35:1-10)

The prophet Isaiah foresees a new era when the Lord gloriously bursts into creation and rescues Israel. The parched land will blossom while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. The Lord will provide a highway to Zion’s everlasting joy for those he ransomed.

Alternative “Psalm” (Luke 1:46b-55)

In Mary’s Song, the Virgin praises God for raising her to become the mother of the Lord. She proclaims this to be part of the divine pattern of lifting up the humble and humbling the proud, as was promised in the covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants.

Second Reading (James 5:7-10)

James encourages those looking for the Lord to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives to set things right, they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings like the prophets of old.

Gospel (Matthew 11:2-11)

The imprisoned John the Baptist sends his disciples to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come. Jesus simply refers to the remarkable things they see, including the healing of the blind, the lame, and the deaf. The least in the kingdom, he says, is greater than even John.


  • One day God will set things right at last with the return of Christ
  • The way to exaltation is through humility
  • Our present perspective on things is extremely limited
  • Taking God at his word requires patience and humility in the face of our present experience
  • Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard what God has prepared for those who love him, but they will

All Saints Day, November 1, 2019, Year C

Lection Connection for the Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday October 3, 2019 can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18)

Daniel envisions four great kings or kingdoms arising out of the earth. Each is described as a horrific “beast”, striking terror in the heart of the prophet. In spite of this threatening scenario, Daniel is assured that the kingdom will finally belong to the holy ones of God forever.

Psalm (149)

The Psalm calls for praise to the Lord because he gives glorious victory to lowly Israel, setting it over the kings and nobles of the nations.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:11-23)

Paul writes of the glorious inheritance we now have in Christ, rooted in the power exhibited in his resurrection and demonstrated in his being designated head over all things. While he is our head, we are his body and therefore share in his fullness.

Gospel (Luke 6:20-31)

The Beatitudes make it clear that the kingdom of God will be upside down from our normal experience. The lowly will be made great and vice versa. We are called to embody this upside- down way of life, loving our enemies and treating them as we ourselves desire to be treated.


  • God will grant the kingdom to his humble and holy people
  • Exaltation is not ours to grasp. It will be the gift of God
  • The normal human ways to exalt ourselves over others will ultimately result in our downfall
  • No matter how exalted, no human power will prevail over the kingdom of God
  • As those who belong to Christ, all saints already participate in his exaltation

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, October 13, 2019, Proper 23, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7)

Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles in Babylon encourages them to settle down and prosper. They are to build houses, take wives and have families as normal. Even more, they are actually to seek the city’s welfare because if it is blessed, they will be blessed as well.

Psalm (66:1-12)

The Psalmist calls the whole earth to acknowledge and worship God because of his greatness as seen in all his works. He calls special attention to his deliverance of the Israelite nation from death in Egypt and his provision of new life in the land of promise.

Second Reading (2 Timothy 2:8-15)

Paul, himself suffering in captivity but carrying on his ministry as normal, urges Timothy to join in his identification with the suffering of Jesus in the firm expectation of sharing in his resurrection. Timothy is to encourage his flock plainly to do the same.

Gospel (Luke 17:11-19)

Continuing on his final journey to Jerusalem, Jesus encounters ten lepers begging him to have mercy on them. He heals them after he simply tells them to have the priests check their condition. Only the single “foreigner” among them bothers to return and praise God.


  • God is at work in the routines of life
  • Jesus specializes in bringing life out of death
  • Praise is the proper response to the work of God
  • Brighten the corner where you are


Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c)

A young Israelite, seeking the welfare of her captor Naaman, tells him about the prophet Elisha back home who could cure his leprosy. Naaman is cured once he obeys the straightforward word of the prophet and comes to believe in Israel’s God.

Psalm (111)

The Psalmist calls for thanks to be given to the Lord for his wonderful works. Those works, especially redeeming Israel and giving the Law, have gained him widespread fame. To have faith in the Lord is to be on the path of wisdom.

Second Reading (2 Timothy 12:8-15)

Paul, himself suffering in captivity but carrying on his ministry as normal, urges Timothy to join in his identification with the suffering of Jesus in the firm expectation of sharing in his resurrection. Timothy is to encourage his flock plainly to do the same.

Gospel (Luke 17:11-19)

Continuing on his final journey to Jerusalem, Jesus encounters ten lepers begging him to have mercy on them. He heals them after he simply tells them to have the priests check their condition. Only the single “foreigner” among them bothers to return and praise God.


  • It is not a wise thing to complicate the straightforward word of God
  • Jesus specializes in bringing life out of death
  • Praise is the proper response to the work of God
  • Brighten the corner where you are



Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 26, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 16:9-15)

In response to a vision, Paul and the missionary party, now including Luke, make their way to Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Lydia, a God-fearing Gentile businesswoman, believes Paul’s message concerning Jesus and is converted. She then invites the group to stay at her home.

Psalm (67)

The Psalmist suggests that the abundant blessings of God upon his people Israel will lead to him being known throughout the nations and praise erupting from every corner. All the peoples will honour his name when they see the amazing harvests in the land of Israel.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5)

John sees the New Jerusalem in its perfect purity, inhabited by the redeemed of all the nations. Constantly lighted solely by the very Presence of God and the Lamb, through its streets flows the river of life. It waters the tree of life with its leaves for the healing of the nations.

Gospel (John 14:23-29)

The night before he died Jesus tells his disciples that those who truly love him will keep his word, a word that is also the Father’s. He promises them the Holy Spirit to help them in this and gives them his own unique peace to comfort them in his absence as they trust in his return.


  • The nations will be an essential part of what God has in store for Israel and Jerusalem
  • The word of God is powerful, able to bring new life
  • God/Jesus will direct the mission of his church
  • What happens in Jerusalem does not stay in Jerusalem

Based on the Alternative Gospel

First Reading (Acts 16:9-15)

In response to a vision, Paul and the missionary party, now including Luke, make their way to Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Lydia, a God-fearing Gentile businesswoman, believes Paul’s message concerning Jesus and is converted. She then invites the group to stay at her home.

Psalm (67)

The Psalmist suggests that the abundant blessings of God upon his people Israel will lead to him being known throughout the nations and praise erupting from every corner. All the peoples will honour his name when they see the amazing harvests in the land of Israel.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5)

John sees the New Jerusalem in its perfect purity, inhabited by the redeemed of all the nations. Constantly lighted soley by the very Presence of God and the Lamb, through its streets flows the river of life. It waters the tree of life with its leaves for the healing of the nations.

Gospel (John 5:1-9)

Once, while Jesus is in Jerusalem on a sabbath for a Jewish feast, he encounters a long-term invalid. Because of his infirmity and a lack of assistance, he had been unable to benefit from some local healing waters. With a word Jesus heals him and he immediately begins to walk.


  • The nations will be an essential part of what God has in store for Israel and Jerusalem
  • The true waters of healing are provided by our Saviour
  • The word of God is powerful, able to bring new life
  • What happens in Jerusalem does not stay in Jerusalem