Thanksgiving Sunday (Canada), October 7, 2018, Year B

Lections for Proper 22, Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost can be found here.

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Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Joel 2:21-27)

The prophet Joel reveals that the whole earth, nature, and Israel are to join in celebrating a coming era of abundant harvests. Their time of punishment and failed crops is coming to an end. These events will demonstrate that the Lord alone is God.

Psalm (126)

Reflecting on those blessed occasions when Yahweh had restored Israel’s fortunes in the past, the Psalmist calls upon him once again to act in like manner. Although his people have sown with tears he is confident that they shall reap in joy under Yahweh’s hand.

Second Reading (1 Timothy 2:1-7)

Speaking as the apostle to the Gentiles, St. Paul encourages prayers and thanksgivings to be made for everyone, including those with power to protect the church. It is God’s desire that all be saved through the mediation of Christ Jesus, the ransom for all.

Gospel (Matthew 6:25-33)

Jesus says that instead of striving and worrying over the necessities of life, his disciples are to seek God’s kingdom above all else. God marvelously provides for all his creation and we can trust him to provide for us, as we are the most valuable of his creatures.


  • Giving thanks for God’s provision for the necessities of life
  • God is still at work in creation and through people
  • God turns around our disobedience, tears, and worry and brings joy instead
  • The welfare of humankind is God’s primary focus