Please see How to Use Lection Connection. If used as an introduction during worship, a suggested format can be found here.
Full lections can be read here.
Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (Numbers 21:4-9)
The Israelites, impatient in the wilderness, again complain to Moses about lacking food and water. YAHWEH sends deadly snakes among them and many die before they repent. Moses erects a bronze snake and when people look to it they are healed.
Psalm (107:1-3, 17-22)
The Psalmist urges praise to YAHWEH for his enduring love and amazing works. The redeemed were gathered from afar and, although some were afflicted to the point of death due to their sin, they were restored by YAHWEH’s word when they called to him.
Second Reading (Ephesians 2:1-10)
St. Paul tells the Ephesians that, once dead because of their sins, they have been resurrected by God’s mercy and love alone. This rich new life with Christ engenders good works in this life and will continue to unfold throughout eternity.
Gospel (John 3:14-21)
Jesus says that when he is lifted up, those who look to him in faith will move from death to eternal life. This is God’s intention for everyone, but evildoers hate the light. Those who do come to the light reveal that the ability to do what is true is actually God’s work.
- Following Jesus is a matter of life and death
- New life in Christ leads to good works, not the other way around
- The critical importance of looking to God/Christ for salvation
- God can transform death into life
- God can transform symbols of death into agents of life
- There are only two ways of life