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Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14)
After David dies his faithful son Solomon succeeds him. The Lord appears and asks him if there is anything that he wants and he, knowing he is but a young man, asks for wisdom to rule well over Israel. Pleased, the Lord grants this along with wealth and a long life.
Psalm (111)
The Psalmist gives many reasons to praise the Lord: his works revealing his honour and majesty, his provision for the needs of his people, his trustworthy laws, and the redemption of his people. Indeed, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Second Reading (Ephesians 5:15-20)
Paul urges his readers to live wisely in an evil time, not wasting any time and knowing the will of God. Rather than being drunk with wine they should be filled with the Spirit, singing and giving thanks to the Lord for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel (John 6:51-58)
Jesus’ listeners are disturbed by his claim that his flesh is the bread of life. Jesus does not soften his words, saying plainly that consuming his flesh and blood and abiding in him is essential to eternal life and to being among those he will raise from the dead.
• True wisdom is knowing the Lord and following him in obedience
• We need the wisdom of God to navigate our way through the evil of this world
• The Son of David is a man of wisdom beyond his peers
• Our relationship with the Lord Jesus determines our way of life and our destiny
Based on the Alternative Readings
First Reading (Proverbs 9:1-6)
The writer depicts wisdom as a well-built house filled with succulent food and to which all those who need good judgment are invited. Here they will find what they need to live mature and insightful lives.
Psalm (34:9-14)
The Psalmist calls God’s people to fear the Lord and they will lack nothing. If they will depart from deceitful conversation and direct themselves toward doing good and peaceful things they will both find them and have time to enjoy them.
Second Reading (Ephesians 5:15-20)
Paul urges his readers to live wisely in an evil time, not wasting any time and knowing the will of God. Rather than being drunk with wine they should be filled with the Spirit, singing and giving thanks to the Lord for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Gospel (John 6:51-58)
Jesus’ listeners are disturbed by his claim that his flesh is the bread of life. Jesus does not soften his words, saying plainly that consuming his flesh and blood and abiding in him is essential to eternal life and to being among those he will raise from the dead.
• True wisdom is knowing the Lord and following him in obedience
• We need the wisdom of God to navigate our way through the evil of this world
• Our relationship with the Lord Jesus determines our way of life and our destiny
• The Lord provides the kind of food we really need