Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, June 17, 2018, Proper 6, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (1 Samuel 15:34-16:13)

Saul proves to be unfit as king so the Lord sends Samuel to anoint one of the sons of Jesse in Bethlehem as the next king. By choosing David, the least likely, the Lord shows that he regards the heart above all else. The Spirit of the Lord comes strongly on David.

Psalm (20)

The Psalmist praises the Lord as the one who answers in the time of trouble and grants the heart’s desire of his people. They trust in him for protection while others take pride in their military might. It is to him that they should pray for the victory of their king.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 5:6-10, [11-13], 14-17)

We walk by faith, not by sight, doing everything to please the Lord. We know there is a judgment to come and that it will be based on the heart, not on outward appearance. Motivated by the love of Christ, we follow his example as part of his new creation.

Gospel (Mark 4:26-34)

Jesus tells two parables that reveal aspects of the kingdom of God. In the first, a farmer sows the seed and harvests the crop but cannot account for its mysterious growth. In the second, a tiny seed ends up as a large shrub that provides shelter for nesting birds.


  • The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart
  • Outward appearances can be deceiving
  • Learning to live with the mystery of how God works
  • Great things come from unlikely beginnings

Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (Ezekiel 17:22-24)

The prophet Ezekiel says that the Lord will grow a great cedar tree in Israel from a mere twig. It will flourish and all kinds of birds will dwell under it’s shelter. All who observe will then know that the Lord alone is God in complete control of everything.

Psalm (92:1-4, 12-15)

Praise and thanks are due to the Lord for his steadfast love and faithfulness. The righteous flourish like trees planted within the house of God, showing that he is altogether righteous and our rock.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 5:6-10, [11-13], 14-17)

We walk by faith, not by sight, all being done to please the Lord. We know there is a judgment to come and that it will be based on the heart, not on outward appearance. Motivated by the love of Christ, we follow his example as part of his new creation.

Gospel (Mark 4:26-34)

Jesus tells two parables that reveal aspects of the kingdom of God. In the first, a farmer sows the seed and harvests the crop but cannot account for its mysterious growth. In the second, a tiny seed ends up as a large shrub that provides shelter for nesting birds.


  • The Lord alone grows his people
  • We are intended to flourish
  • To what or to whom do we give shelter?
  • Great things come from unlikely beginnings





















Third Sunday after Pentecost, June 10, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

 First Reading (1 Samuel 8:4-11, [12-15], 16-20, [11:14-15])

Israel’s elders, unhappy with the leadership of Samuel’s family, approach him to demand a king like the other nations. The Lord sees this as rejecting him as king, and points out that a human monarch will plunder them. But they insist, making Saul king.

 Psalm (138)

The Psalmist offers thanks and praise to the Lord for his steadfast love and faithfulness in answered prayer. His glory is great and his word exalted. All the kings of the earth will praise him. The Lord also cares for the lowly, and so the Psalmist can trust in his aid.

 Second Reading (2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1)

Paul explains that his continuing zeal for the gospel stems from the resurrection of Jesus in which we participate. Already we are being spiritually renewed in spite of bodily decay. Future glory greatly outweighs temporary troubles as we focus what is eternal.

 Gospel (Mark 3:20-35)

Jesus’ ministry attracts impossible crowds and the scribes claim he using the power of Satan to cast out demons. Jesus logically points out that if so, Satan’s house has collapsed. Ascribing such an obvious good to anyone but the Holy Spirit is blasphemy.


  • Putting the Lord first in our lives puts things in proper perspective
  • God reigns over all other kings and powers
  • Those in leadership positions need to remember that they serve “under God”
  • Opposition to God’s leading puts us on dangerous ground

 Based on the Alternative Readings

 First Reading (Genesis 3:8-15)

The Lord God confronts Adam and Eve after they had sinned by eating from the forbidden tree. Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the serpent. God tells the serpent that, while his offspring would strike the heel of Eve’s, hers would strike his head.

 Psalm 130

The Psalmist cries out to the Lord in his need, aware of his sins but also longing for the forgiveness he knows is available. On this conviction he encourages all Israel to hope in the Lord whose steadfast love offers both powerful redemption and forgiveness.

 Second Reading (2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1)

Paul explains that his continuing zeal for the gospel stems from the resurrection of Jesus in which we participate. Already we are being spiritually renewed in spite of bodily decay. Future glory greatly outweighs present troubles as we focus what is eternal.

 Gospel (Mark 3:20-35)

Jesus’ ministry attracts impossible crowds and the scribes claim he using the power of Satan to cast out demons. Jesus logically points out that if so, Satan’s house has collapsed. Ascribing any such obvious good to anyone but the Holy Spirit is blasphemy.


  • Jesus’ victory over Satan and death is “from the beginning”
  • Putting the Lord first in our lives puts things in proper perspective
  • Opposition to God’s leading puts us on dangerous ground
  • Satan unbound/Satan bound (Adam’s failure/Christ’s victory)



















Second Sunday after Pentecost, June 3, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (1 Samuel 3:1-10, [11-20])

Toward the end of the rule of the judges, the word of the Lord unexpectedly comes to the boy Samuel who was serving under Eli the priest. It is a challenging message for the budding prophet as it concerns the Lord’s coming punishment upon Eli and his sons.

Psalm (139:1-6, 13-18)

The Psalmist celebrates the fact that the Lord not only knows him inside out, but also wondrously formed him in his mother’s womb knowing what plans he had for him. Such a God far exceeds the Psalmist’s ability to fully comprehend.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 4:5-12)

Paul emphasizes that any glory and power seen in his or our ministry is merely a reflection of Jesus within us. Even in our many shortcomings and sufferings we manage to reflect this inner treasure, showing him to be the source of life in us.

Gospel (Mark 2:23-3:6)

On a Sabbath, Jesus’ disciples harvest a bit of grain to eat while he heals a man’s hand. Watching Pharisees see this as breaking the law but, to their dismay, Jesus shows that the law as written was to be a benefit to us and then even claims superiority over it.


  • The Word of God often has a disturbing quality
  • God is interested in the heart, not in exterior matters
  • Humility is the best attitude to have toward God and his Word
  • God is pleased to use broken vessels to do his work

Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (Deuteronomy 5:12-15)

As they are about to enter the Promised Land, Moses reminds the Israelites of the law to not work on the Sabbath. It applies to their animals and slaves as well. For they too were slaves before the Lord set them free from their terrible labour and oppression.

Psalm 81:1-10

The Psalmist calls upon Israel to celebrate the Lord their God on their holy days because he freed them from terrible labour and oppression in Egypt. Now they should listen to him alone and have no other gods, for he will bless them with all they need.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 4:5-12)

Paul emphasizes that any glory and power seen in his or our ministry is merely a reflection of that of Jesus within us. Even in our many shortcomings and sufferings we manage to reflect this inner treasure, thus proving that he, not ourselves, is responsible.

Gospel (Mark 2:23-3:6)

On a Sabbath Jesus’ disciples harvest a bit of grain to eat while he heals a man’s hand. Watching Pharisees regard all this as breaking the law but, to their anger, Jesus shows that the law as written was intended to be beneficial and then claims superiority over it.


  • Sabbath relief from labour is a reminder that we are no longer slaves
  • God’s laws are meant for our benefit, not as labourious demands
  • God is interested in the heart more than in exterior matters
  • The spirit of the law is as important, perhaps more important, than the letter




















Trinity Sunday, May 27, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 6:1-8)

Isaiah is called to his prophetic task through a vision in which he finds himself in the awesome presence of YAHWEH seated upon his heavenly throne. Seraphs thunder their threefold chants of “Holy” while one purifies Isaiah’s unclean lips, qualifying him to proclaim God’s word.

Psalm (29)

The Psalmist calls all heavenly creatures to worship YAHWEH garbed in perfect holiness. His voice is altogether powerful, a rushing mighty flame of fire able to strip the forest bare. All in his temple call “Glory!” to the eternal king. May he bless his people with strength and peace.

Second Reading (Romans 8:12-17)

St. Paul affirms that it is by the Holy Spirit that Christians conquer over the “flesh” and are granted eternal life. All who possess the Holy Spirit are God’s adopted children. Instead of fearful slaves in his presence, they are heirs with Christ, sharing in his glory through suffering.

Gospel (John 3:1-17)

Jesus tells Nicodemus that one must be born from above in order to enter the Kingdom of God. While this is a mysterious work of the Spirit, Jesus, being from heaven, can testify to its truth. God sent him out of love, in order that all who believe in him might not perish but be saved.


  • God makes a way for sinful humankind to draw near to him: from being estranged to being an heir
  • The interrelated work of Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • The holy and majestic nature of God
  • Being in the presence of God is not something to be taken lightly


Day of Pentecost, May 20, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in languages understood by astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalm celebrates the wisdom of YAHWEH in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Romans 8:22-27)

Paul depicts the whole creation, including Christians who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groaning in expectant anticipation of adoption and redemption. This requires patient hope for what is not yet seen, aided by the same Spirit who sympathetically intercedes with the Father.

Gospel (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15)

Jesus promises the Spirit to his disciples as he prepares to go to his Father. In his absence the Spirit, also from the Father, will testify on his behalf. The Spirit will glorify Jesus, showing how he alone is the key to dealing with sin, effecting righteousness and executing judgment.


  • The Holy Spirit is “the God who creates”
  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit is Christ-with-us
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus

 Based on the Alternate Readings

 First Reading (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

YAHWEH assures the defeated and exiled Jewish people that he will restore them fully to their Land, using the image of a valley full of scattered bones that come back to life. He has Ezekiel prophesy over the bones to begin the process, showing that it will be done by the Spirit.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalm celebrates the wisdom of Yahweh in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

 Second Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in languages understood by astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Gospel (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15)

Jesus promises the Spirit to his disciples as he prepares to go to his Father. In his absence the Spirit, also from the Father, will testify on his behalf. The Spirit will glorify him, showing how he alone is the key to dealing with sin, effecting righteousness and executing judgment.


  • The Holy Spirit is “the God who creates”
  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus




Ascension Day, May 10, 2018, Year B (Or observed Sunday, May 13, 2018)

If you are not using the Ascension Day lections on Sunday May 13, 2018, please see Lection Connection for the Seventh Sunday in Easter.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 1:1-11)

After his resurrection Jesus teaches his disciples about the kingdom of God for forty days. As he tells them to wait for the baptism in the Holy Spirit to enable them to be witnesses even to the ends of the earth, he is lifted up into a cloud with a promise that he will return in the same way.

Psalm (47)

All peoples are urged to sing praises to YAHWEH who is king over all the earth. Indeed, the princes of the peoples are to gather as the children of Abraham.

Alternate Psalm (93)

YAHWEH is the everlasting king of creation, his creation. He is far more majestic than even the awesome thunder of the heavens or the crashing waves of the sea. His laws are sure and his house is holy.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:15-23)

Having heard of the faith and love of the Ephesians, Paul gives thanks and prays that they will know the rich hope to which they are called. God will do this, whose power raised Jesus from the dead and seated him on high over all other authorities as the head of the church, his body.

Gospel (Luke 24:44-53)

In his last resurrection appearance Jesus shows his disciples how the Scriptures predicted his suffering and rising. Witnesses to this, they are to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in his name even to the ends of the earth. With that he blesses them and ascends into heaven.


  • The ascension of Jesus to the Father marks the end of his earthly ministry
  • The ascension of Jesus reveals his true position as the authoritative Son of God, sharing in the divine majesty
  • Jesus’ followers are to carry the gospel of the kingdom to all the earth and all its inhabitants
  • Jesus is both the focus of Scripture and the key to its interpretation

Seventh Sunday in Easter, May 13, 2018, Year B

Here are the lections for Ascension Day if being used for Sunday, May 13, 2018

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 1:15-17, 21-26)

Luke relates how, following the ascension of Jesus, the early Christian community chose Matthias to replace Judas in the band of apostles. By betraying Jesus, Judas had turned aside to his own way.

Psalm (1)

As the first entry in the Psalter, this Psalm appropriately sets before the reader the two ways of living: God’s or that of the wicked. God’s way results in fruitfulness and stability while the wicked are like useless chaff that is blown away in the wind.

Second Reading (1 John 5:9-13)

John tells us that believers, in coming to believe that Jesus is the Son of God, have responded to the testimony of God himself in their hearts. Only those who have the Son have eternal life and John has written to assure his readers that this is true of them.

Gospel (John 17:6-19)

Praying for his disciples, Jesus affirms the mutuality of relationship between them, his Father and himself. All he has given them was from the Father and they belong to both him and the Father. He asks for their safety as he sends them out into a wicked world.


  • The way of God stands in contrast to the way of the world (our own way)
  • The way of God leads to eternal benefits, while a wicked life leads to ruin
  • Jesus’ ministry does not end with his ascension but continues in those who are committed to follow him
  • Both God and Jesus identify with those who accept the testimony of the Father that Jesus is indeed his Son

Sixth Sunday in Easter, May 6, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 10:44-48)

To the astonishment of the Christian Jews who accompanied Peter to the house of Cornelius, the Holy Spirit immediately came upon all the Gentiles who were there listening. Accordingly, no one denied them baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.

Psalm (98)

The Psalmist calls for a new song of praise to YAHWEH because of his marvelous victory, Israel’s vindication before all the earth. Even nature is called upon to join in the celebration. YAHWEH will judge the entire world and its peoples with perfect equity.

Second Reading (1 John 5:1-6)

John relates how those who believe in Jesus Christ are born of God and become his children, willingly obeying his commandments. In so doing, through their faith they participate in the victory of God over the world. The Spirit, who is truth, testifies to this.

Gospel (John 15:9-17)

Jesus declares that his love for us is grounded in the Father’s love for him and we remain in his love by keeping his commandments, especially by loving one another. He calls us his chosen “friends” in the know who bear fruit, not mere “servants”.


• God and his salvation are universal
• Love for God leads to obeying his commandments
• Through Jesus Christ, God has created a new relationship with his people
• All nations fall within the scope of God’s salvation.

Fifth Sunday in Easter, April 29, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 8:26-40)

After persecution scatters the early church, Philip encounters an Ethiopian traveller puzzling over a passage from Isaiah. It is about the crucifixion of Jesus, Philip explains, and shares the gospel more fully. The man is baptized and the Spirit carries Philip away.

Psalm (22:25-31)

Having expressed his terror at being in the hands of his enemies, the Psalmist now looks forward to YAHWEH’s deliverance. It will be so impressive that the whole world will turn to YAHWEH and even the dead will acknowledge him. It will be a story for the ages.

Second Reading (1 John 4:7-21)

John insists that Christian love for one another is non-negotiable: it arises out of God’s prior love for us, having sent his Son as the atoning sacrifice for all sin. As we abide in him and he in us, God’s love is perfected in our mutual love and verified by the Spirit.

Gospel (John 15:1-8)

Jesus boldly claims that it is only through him that anyone can bear spiritual fruit. In the Father’s vineyard he is the true vine and we are the branches. We must remain in him or we will not be able to accomplish anything and our prayers will be fruitless.


  • Jesus is the only connection between God and humankind
  • Jesus’ death and resurrection connect the Old and New Testaments
  • The critical centrality of Jesus to the plan of God for our salvation, indeed, for our life as Christians
  • It’s all about Jesus
  • Stay connected to Jesus in order to stay connected to God



Fourth Sunday in Easter, April 22, 2018, Year B

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 4:5-12)

Peter and John are brought before the Jewish leaders and are questioned about their source of power to heal the lame man. Peter boldly tells them it was by the name of Jesus, whom they crucified but God raised up. Salvation can come by no other name.

Psalm (23)

The Psalmist sees YAHWEH as a good shepherd who looks after his flock, abundantly providing for them even in difficult circumstances. Goodness and mercy characterize a life lived in his fold.

Second Reading (1 John 3:16-24)

Genuine godly love for our needy fellow believers follows the example of Jesus who died for us. It is action that counts, not words. This demonstrates a relationship with Jesus that is confirmed by the Spirit. It is Jesus’ own commandment to love one another.

Gospel (John 10:11-18)

Jesus depicts himself as a committed shepherd who willingly dies for his sheep because he identifies so intimately with them, much as he does with his Father. Other sheep will also be gathered into the same fold to be under the same shepherd.


  • Jesus leads and provides for his followers
  • Following Jesus requires a serious commitment to sacrificial love
  • Identification with Jesus, taking his name, requires the putting aside of all other ultimate commitments
  • The death of Jesus did not end his presence among his followers
  • The self-giving love of God expressed in Jesus’ death and resurrection should be evident in the common life of the Christian community