Readings for April16,2017 Year A Resurrection of the Lord

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Acts 10: 34-43 or Jeremiah 31:1-6
  • Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

Second Reading

  • Colossians 3:1-4 or Acts 10: 34-43


  • John 20:1-18 or Matthew 28:1-10

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

The apostle Peter, having received a vision revealing the acceptability of even unclean animals for sacrifice, addresses the Roman centurion Cornelius to the effect that God rejects no nationality. Peter briefly relates the story of Jesus, including his death and resurrection, emphasizing simply that he is Lord and judge of all, and everyone who believes in him receives salvation. The Psalmist has just experienced rescue from death and recognizes that YAHWEH has answered his prayer. Feeling like a rejected stone now become the chief cornerstone, he calls on everyone to give thanks for the steadfast love of the God of his salvation. St. Paul exhorts the Colossians, on the basis of their incorporation into the risen Christ, to set their minds on things above. They have already died to earthly things and will share in his glory when he comes again. John tells how Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and runs to tell Peter and the other disciple. They run to see and find only the death garments lying there. After they go home, Mary encounters the risen Lord, recognizing him only when he calls her name. She is told to tell the others that he will soon be ascending to the Father. She hurries to obey.

As Introductions

First Reading

The apostle Peter, having received a vision revealing the acceptability of even unclean animals for sacrifice, addresses the Roman centurion Cornelius to the effect that God rejects no nationality. Peter briefly relates the story of Jesus, including his death and resurrection, emphasizing simply that he is Lord and judge of all, and everyone who believes in him receives salvation.


The Psalmist has just experienced rescue from death and recognizes that YAHWEH has answered his prayer. Feeling like a rejected stone now become the chief cornerstone, he calls on everyone to give thanks for the steadfast love of the God of his salvation.

New Testament

St. Paul exhorts the Colossians, on the basis of their incorporation into the risen Christ, to set their minds on things above. They have already died to earthly things and will share in his glory when he comes again.


John tells how Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and runs to tell Peter and the other disciple. They run to see and find only the death garments lying there. After they go home, Mary encounters the risen Lord, recognizing him only when he calls her name. She is told to tell the others that he will soon be ascending to the Father. She hurries to obey.

Based on the Alternative Readings

Jeremiah forecasts a great Day ahead for the destroyed and scattered tribes of Israel, a Day in which they shall be joyfully gathered together in the fruitful Land. This return to life is a result of YAHWEH’s everlasting love for his people and will stimulate fervent worship in Zion. The Psalmist has just experienced rescue from death and recognizes that YAHWEH has answered his prayer. Feeling like a rejected stone now become the chief cornerstone, he calls on everyone to give thanks for the steadfast love of the God of his salvation. The apostle Peter, having received a vision revealing the acceptability of even unclean animals for sacrifice, addresses the Roman centurion Cornelius to the effect that God rejects no nationality. Peter briefly relates the story of Jesus, including his death and resurrection, emphasizing simply that he is Lord and judge of all, and everyone who believes in him receives salvation. Matthew relates how Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to Jesus’ tomb at dawn on the first day of the week. They encounter an angel in dazzling white who informs them that Jesus is risen and bids them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they will meet him. Jesus himself then greets the Marys and they fall before him in worship. Jesus tells them not to fear and to continue on their way with the angel’s message.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Jeremiah forecasts a great Day ahead for the destroyed and scattered tribes of Israel, a Day in which they shall be joyfully gathered together in the fruitful Land. This return to life is a result of YAHWEH’s everlasting love for his people and will stimulate fervent worship in Zion.


The Psalmist has just experienced rescue from death and recognizes that YAHWEH has answered his prayer. Feeling like a rejected stone now become the chief cornerstone, he calls on everyone to give thanks for the steadfast love of the God of his salvation.

New Testament

The apostle Peter, having received a vision revealing the acceptability of even unclean animals for sacrifice, addresses the Roman centurion Cornelius to the effect that God rejects no nationality. Peter briefly relates the story of Jesus, including his death and resurrection, emphasizing simply that he is Lord and judge of all, and everyone who believes in him receives salvation.


Matthew relates how Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to Jesus’ tomb at dawn on the first day of the week. They encounter an angel in dazzling white who informs them that Jesus is risen and bids them to tell the disciples to go to Galilee where they will meet him. Jesus himself then greets the Marys and they fall before him in worship. Jesus tells them not to fear and to continue on their way with the angel’s message.


Readings for April 9, 2017 Year A Liturgy of the Passion

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 50:4-9a.
  • Psalm 31:9-16

Second Reading

  • Philippians 2:5-11


  • Matthew 26:14-27:66

Alternative Gospel

  • Matthew 27:11-54

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Isaiah envisions YAHWEH’s obedient Servant under assault: enduring insults, spitting and being struck. He is determined not to flinch from his duty and does not waver from his conviction that YAHWEH is his help and will vindicate him. In comparison his adversaries fade into insignificance. Under serious affliction from all those around him, the Psalmist is driven to tears, misery and extreme physical weakness. Realizing this has happened because of his faithfulness, he remains confident that YAHWEH will deliver him. St. Paul encourages the Philippians to be like Jesus who, although divine, humbled himself and endured a demeaning death, and to keep in mind that, in the end, he was exalted by God to be Lord of all. Matthew’s account of Jesus’ last hours, betrayal, Last Supper, Gethsemane, desertion, trials, abuses, mockings, crucifixion and death, is marked by a strong sense that this is all part of God’s plan. Jesus himself struggles to submit to his destiny but throughout the narrative he illustrates that he willingly does so, refusing to exercise his rights and power as the Son of God. His innocence and evident majesty is sharply underlined by the fraud and weakness of his accusers.

As Introductions and/or for Bulletin Use

Old Testament

Isaiah envisions YAHWEH’s obedient Servant under assault: enduring insults, spitting and being struck. He is determined not to flinch from his duty and does not waver from his conviction that YAHWEH is his help and will vindicate him. In comparison his adversaries fade into insignificance.


Under serious affliction from all those around him, the Psalmist is driven to tears, misery and extreme physical weakness. Realizing this has happened because of his faithfulness, he remains confident that YAHWEH will deliver him.

New Testament

St. Paul encourages the Philippians to be like Jesus who, although divine, humbled himself and endured a demeaning death, and to keep in mind that, in the end, he was exalted by God to be Lord of all.


Matthew’s account of Jesus’ last hours, betrayal, Last Supper, Gethsemane, desertion, trials, abuses, mockings, crucifixion and death, is marked by a strong sense that this is all part of God’s plan. Jesus himself struggles to submit to his destiny but throughout the narrative he illustrates that he willingly does so, refusing to exercise his rights and power as the Son of God. His innocence and evident majesty is sharply underlined by the fraud and weakness of his accusers.

Based on the Alternative Readings

Isaiah envisions YAHWEH’s obedient Servant under assault: enduring insults, spitting and being struck. He is determined not to flinch from his duty and does not waver from his conviction that YAHWEH is his help and will vindicate him. In comparison his adversaries fade into insignificance. Under serious affliction from all those around him, the Psalmist is driven to tears, misery and extreme physical weakness. Realizing this has happened because of his faithfulness, he remains confident that YAHWEH will deliver him. St. Paul encourages the Philippians to be like Jesus who, although divine, humbled himself and endured a demeaning death, and to keep in mind that, in the end, he was exalted by God to be Lord of all. St. Matthew’s accounts of Jesus’ trial before Pilate, his mocking by the soldiers and the crucifixion itself, all highlight the tension and misunderstanding over his being “King of the Jews”. His innocence and evident majesty is sharply underlined by the jealousy of his accusers and the weakness of the governor. Ending with the climactic recognition of the centurion that he had just crucified the Son of God, the reader is left in no doubt regarding the true identity of Jesus.

As Introductions and/or for Bulletin Use

Old Testament

Isaiah envisions YAHWEH’s obedient Servant under assault: enduring insults, spitting and being struck. He is determined not to flinch from his duty and does not waver from his conviction that YAHWEH is his help and will vindicate him. In comparison his adversaries fade into insignificance.


Under serious affliction from all those around him, the Psalmist is driven to tears, misery and extreme physical weakness. Realizing this has happened because of his faithfulness, he remains confident that YAHWEH will deliver him.

New Testament

St. Paul encourages the Philippians to be like Jesus who, although divine, humbled himself and endured a demeaning death, and to keep in mind that, in the end, he was exalted by God to be Lord of all.


St. Matthew’s accounts of Jesus’ trial before Pilate, his mocking by the soldiers and the crucifixion itself, all highlight the tension and misunderstanding over his being “King of the Jews”. His innocence and evident majesty is sharply underlined by the jealousy of his accusers and the weakness of the governor. Ending with the climactic recognition of the centurion that he had just crucified the Son of God, the reader is left in no doubt regarding the true identity of Jesus.

Readings for April 2, 2017 Year A Fifth Sunday in Lent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Ezekiel 37:1-14
  • Psalm 130

Second Reading

  • Romans 8:6-11


  • John 11:1-45

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

After the Jewish people were defeated and exiled to Babylon, YAHWEH shows a valley of scattered bones to the prophet Ezekiel and challenges him to believe that they could become living people again. As Ezekiel prophesies over the bones that is exactly what happens and YAHWEH explains how he is similarly going to put his Spirit into his people, bring them out of their grave of exile and restore them to the Promised Land. The Psalmist expresses his conviction that YAHWEH will indeed forgive his sins and, in spite of present troubles, he waits in hope for this to happen. He exhorts all Israel similarly to trust in YAHWEH’s steadfast love and promise of redemption. St. Paul sets before the Romans the two ways of life, one centred on what he calls “the flesh” and the other centred on the Holy Spirit. The former is opposed to God and because of sin is subject to death, while the latter embraces Christ and his righteousness, sharing in the resurrection life he imparts both now and in the age to come. Jesus delays going to heal his friend Lazarus because he knows that greater glory will come to God in the end and the faith of his own disciples and others will be established. Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, do not appreciate having to wait for Jesus because their brother dies in the meantime. But death does not have the final word. Not with Jesus.

As Introductions and/or for Bulletin Use

Old Testament

After the Jewish people were defeated and exiled to Babylon, YAHWEH shows a valley of scattered bones to the prophet Ezekiel and challenges him to believe that they could become living people again. As Ezekiel prophesies over the bones that is exactly what happens and YAHWEH explains how he is similarly going to put his Spirit into his people, bring them out of their grave of exile and restore them to the Promised Land.


The Psalmist expresses his conviction that YAHWEH will indeed forgive his sins and, in spite of present troubles, he waits in hope for this to happen. He exhorts all Israel similarly to trust in YAHWEH’s steadfast love and promise of redemption.

New Testament

St. Paul sets before the Romans the two ways of life, one centred on what he calls “the flesh” and the other centred on the Holy Spirit. The former is opposed to God and because of sin is subject to death, while the latter embraces Christ and his righteousness, sharing in the resurrection life he imparts both now and in the age to come.


Jesus delays going to heal his friend Lazarus because he knows that greater glory will come to God in the end and the faith of his own disciples and others will be established. Mary and Martha, Lazarus’ sisters, do not appreciate having to wait for Jesus because their brother dies in the meantime. But death does not have the final word. Not with Jesus.



Readings for March 26, 2017 Fourth Sunday in Lent Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • 1 Samuel 16:1-13
  • Psalm 23

Second Reading

  • Ephesians 5:8-14


  • John 9:1-41

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

After Saul had failed as the first king of Israel, YAHWEH sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem and the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as the next king. Both Samuel and Jesse were blind to the proper choice because they, unlike YAHWEH, could not see into the heart. Even though he seemed too young for the job, David the shepherd boy was finally selected and when Samuel anointed him he was filled with the Spirit. David depicts his relationship with YAHWEH in terms of a sheep who trusts that the shepherd knows what he is doing in spite of appearances. He provides water, food and shelter, even in circumstances that the sheep, with its limited vision, would see as extremely threatening. According to St. Paul, the Christian has passed from darkness to light, producing that which is good, right and true. Living in this way makes even the works of darkness visible in the light of Christ. In healing a man born blind Jesus graphically demonstrates that he is indeed the light of the world. The impenetrable darkness of the blind man is dispersed and when he recognizes Jesus as the Son of Man and believes in him, he comes even to see as God sees. The sighted Pharisees, on the other hand, demonstrate through their opposition to Jesus that they are the ones who are really blind and dwell in darkness.

As Introductions and/or for Bulletin Use

Old Testament

After Saul had failed as the first king of Israel, YAHWEH sent the prophet Samuel to Bethlehem and the house of Jesse to anoint one of his sons as the next king. Both Samuel and Jesse were blind to the proper choice because they, unlike YAHWEH, could not see into the heart. Even though he seemed too young for the job, David the shepherd boy was finally selected and when Samuel anointed him he was filled with the Spirit.


David depicts his relationship with YAHWEH in terms of a sheep who trusts that the shepherd knows what he is doing in spite of appearances. He provides water, food and shelter, even in circumstances that the sheep, with its limited vision, would see as extremely threatening.

New Testament

According to St. Paul, the Christian has passed from darkness to light, producing that which is good, right and true. Living in this way makes even the works of darkness visible in the light of Christ.


In healing a man born blind Jesus graphically demonstrates that he is indeed the light of the world. The impenetrable darkness of the blind man is dispersed and when he recognizes Jesus as the Son of Man and believes in him, he comes even to see as God sees. The sighted Pharisees, on the other hand, demonstrate through their opposition to Jesus that they are the ones who are really blind and dwell in darkness.


Readings for Sunday, March 19, 2017 Third Sunday in Lent Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Exodus 17:1-7
  • Psalm 95

Second Reading

  • Romans 5:1-11


  • John 4:5-42

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

After experiencing a miraculous escape from Egypt at the hand of YAHWEH, the people of Israel bitterly complain to Moses that they will now suffer and die because there is no water for them in the wilderness. In spite of this lack of faith, YAHWEH commands Moses to strike a rock with his staff in order to provide life-giving water for his people. The Psalmist calls the people of God to worship him with thanksgiving because of who he is and what he has done for them. He warns them not to be like their ancestors who dared to test YAHWEH by complaining in the wilderness and then were barred from the Promised Land. St. Paul marvels at the grace of God who saved us through Christ while we were still weak, while we were still sinners and enemies. This work of the Holy Spirit enables our sufferings to produce, in turn, endurance, character and a hope that does not disappoint. When Jesus encounters a woman at a well in alien Samaria, he offers her, both a sinner and an enemy, the kind of water that produces eternal life. Through their conversation she comes to recognize him as Messiah and goes home to share the good news with her neighbours. When his disciples try to get Jesus to eat, he teaches them that true food is to do the work of God. He then stays in the area to preach the word to the Samaritans made receptive through the testimony of the woman.

As Introductions

Old Testament

After experiencing a miraculous escape from Egypt at the hand of YAHWEH, the people of Israel bitterly complain to Moses that they will now suffer and die because there is no water for them in the wilderness. In spite of this lack of faith, YAHWEH commands Moses to strike a rock with his staff in order to provide life-giving water for his people.


The Psalmist calls the people of God to worship him with thanksgiving because of who he is and what he has done for them. He warns them not to be like their ancestors who dared to test YAHWEH by complaining in the wilderness and then were barred from the Promised Land.

New Testament

St. Paul marvels at the grace of God who saved us through Christ while we were still weak, while we were still sinners and enemies. This work of the Holy Spirit enables our sufferings to produce, in turn, endurance, character and a hope that does not disappoint.


When Jesus encounters a woman at a well in alien Samaria, he offers her, both a sinner and an enemy, the kind of water that produces eternal life. Through their conversation she comes to recognize him as Messiah and goes home to share the good news with her neighbours. When his disciples try to get Jesus to eat, he teaches them that true food is to do the work of God. He then stays in the area to preach the word to the Samaritans made receptive through the testimony of the woman.

Readings for Sunday, March 12, 2017 Second Sunday in Lent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Genesis 12:1-4a
  • Psalm 121

Second Reading

  • Romans 4:1-5; 13-17


  • John 3:1-17

Alternative Gospel

  • Matthew 17:1-9

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

After YAHWEH had frustrated the building of the Tower of Babel and had scattered people throughout the earth, he spoke a startling word to Abram in Haran. He told him to leave his country and allow himself to be directed to another. There he would become a great and blessed nation that would in turn be a blessing to all the nations of the earth. The Psalmist draws our attention to the fact that it is only YAHWEH who is our genuine help. As creator and ever-present one, he protects and keeps us from all evil and danger. St. Paul sees that grace is at work in the great promises that God made to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. These cannot depend on his or their keeping of the law because in this they (and we) have failed. Rather it depends on God and his word alone and, as Abraham discovered, it is simply by trusting in him that we are made right with him. It is a gift. In response to Nicodemus, Jesus makes the startling claim that we need to be born again from above in order to enter God’s kingdom. This is a mysterious working of the Spirit and it happens to those who simply put their trust in the word and work of Jesus, the one who has come from heaven for the salvation of the whole world.

As Introductions

Old Testament

After YAHWEH had frustrated the building of the Tower of Babel and had scattered people throughout the earth, he spoke a startling word to Abram in Haran. He told him to leave his country and allow himself to be directed to another. There he would become a great and blessed nation that would in turn be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.


The Psalmist draws our attention to the fact that it is only YAHWEH who is our genuine help. As creator and ever-present one, he protects and keeps us from all evil and danger.

New Testament

St. Paul sees that grace is at work in the great promises that God made to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. These cannot depend on his or their keeping of the law because in this they (and we) have failed. Rather it depends on God and his word alone and, as Abraham discovered, it is simply by trusting in him that we are made right with him. It is a gift.


In response to Nicodemus, Jesus makes the startling claim that we need to be born again from above in order to enter God’s kingdom. This is a mysterious working of the Spirit and it happens to those who simply put their trust in the word and work of Jesus, the one who has come from heaven for the salvation of the whole world.

Based on the Alternative Readings

After YAHWEH had frustrated the building of the Tower of Babel and had scattered people throughout the earth, he spoke a startling word to Abram in Haran. He told him to leave his country and allow himself to be directed to another. There he would become a great and blessed nation that would in turn be a blessing to all the nations of the earth. The Psalmist draws our attention to the fact that it is only YAHWEH who is our genuine help. As creator and ever-present one, he protects and keeps us from all evil and danger. St. Paul sees that grace is at work in the great promises that God made to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. These cannot depend on his or their keeping of the law because in this they (and we) have failed. Rather it depends on God and his word alone and, as Abraham discovered, it is simply by trusting in him that we are made right with him. It is a gift. Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.

As Introductions

Old Testament

After YAHWEH had frustrated the building of the Tower of Babel and had scattered people throughout the earth, he spoke a startling word to Abram in Haran. He told him to leave his country and allow himself to be directed to another. There he would become a great and blessed nation that would in turn be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.


The Psalmist draws our attention to the fact that it is only YAHWEH who is our genuine help. As creator and ever-present one, he protects and keeps us from all evil and danger.

New Testament

St. Paul sees that grace is at work in the great promises that God made to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation. These cannot depend on his or their keeping of the law because in this they (and we) have failed. Rather it depends on God and his word alone and, as Abraham discovered, it is simply by trusting in him that we are made right with him. It is a gift.


Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.




Readings for Sunday, March 5, 2017 First Sunday in Lent Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
  • Psalm 32

Second Reading

  • Romans 5:12-19


  • Matthew 4:1-11

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

The first humans are given a beautiful garden to look after and enjoy, except that the LORD God commands them not to eat of the fruit of just one of the trees. The woman encounters the serpent who casts doubt on the word of God and, attracted to the forbidden fruit, she eats of it and then shares it with her husband. Their disobedience results in an immediate awareness of their nakedness. The Psalmist rejoices in the fact that his sin is forgiven because he has finally come to confess it before God. He now knows he can trust in the ways of YAHWEH and encourages others to do the same. St. Paul sees in Adam a mirror image of Christ in the sense that through Adam all have sinned and been alienated from God, resulting in death but through Christ’s obedience all are made right with God, resulting in life. After Jesus had been tempted for forty days and nights, the devil came and, twisting the Word of God, tries to turn him from the way of God. However, Jesus knows well the truth of the Scriptures and uses it to rebuke the devil and continue in obedience to his Father.

As Introductions

Old Testament

The first humans are given a beautiful garden to look after and enjoy, except that the LORD God commands them not to eat of the fruit of just one of the trees. The woman encounters the serpent who casts doubt on the word of God and, attracted to the forbidden fruit, she eats of it and then shares it with her husband. Their disobedience results in an immediate awareness of their nakedness


The Psalmist rejoices in the fact that his sin is forgiven because he has finally come to confess it before God. He now knows he can trust in the ways of YAHWEH and encourages others to do the same.

New Testament

St. Paul sees in Adam a mirror image of Christ in the sense that through Adam all have sinned and been alienated from God, resulting in death but through Christ’s obedience all are made right with God, resulting in life.


After Jesus had been tempted for forty days and nights, the devil came and, twisting the Word of God, tries to turn him from the way of God. However, Jesus knows well the truth of the Scriptures and uses it to rebuke the devil and continue in obedience to his Father.



Readings for February 26, 2017 Year A Transfiguration Sunday

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Exodus 24:12-18
  • Psalm 2

Second Reading

  • 2 Peter 1:16-21


  • Matthew 17:1-9

Alternative Psalm for Above Readings

  • Psalm 99

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

YAHWEH calls Moses and his aide Joshua up onto Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments in the form of stone tablets. For six days the people can see the glory-cloud covering the mountain before Moses alone is summoned into the divine presence at its fiery centre. The Psalmist mocks the nations who imagine they can threaten the king of Israel whom YAHWEH himself has set upon his holy hill. The king is YAHWEH’s newly begotten son and as such he will conquer and rule over the nations who are exhorted to serve such an awesome God. St. Peter stresses to his audience that he was one of the eyewitnesses to the power and majesty of Jesus at the Transfiguration and follows no myth. He then exults in this event as a fulfillment of scriptural prophecy and, as such, spoken by God himself. Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.

As Introductions

Old Testament

YAHWEH calls Moses and his aide Joshua up onto Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments in the form of stone tablets. For six days the people can see the glory-cloud covering the mountain before Moses alone is summoned into the divine presence at its fiery centre.


The Psalmist mocks the nations who imagine they can threaten the king of Israel whom YAHWEH himself has set upon his holy hill. The king is YAHWEH’s newly begotten son and as such he will conquer and rule over the nations who are exhorted to serve such an awesome God.

New Testament

St. Peter stresses to his audience that he was one of the eyewitnesses to the power and majesty of Jesus at the Transfiguration and follows no myth. He then exults in this event as a fulfillment of scriptural prophecy and, as such, spoken by God himself.


Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.

Based on the Alternative Readings

YAHWEH calls Moses and his aide Joshua up onto Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments in the form of stone tablets. For six days the people can see the glory-cloud covering the mountain before Moses alone is summoned into the divine presence at its fiery centre. The Psalmist presents YAHWEH as the holy and exalted king over all the earth but resident in Zion his holy mountain. There he has executed righteousness and justice for all to see. There the Law was given through his priests who met with him in the pillar of cloud. St. Peter stresses to his audience that he was one of the eyewitnesses to the power and majesty of Jesus at the Transfiguration and follows no myth. He then exults in this event as a fulfillment of scriptural prophecy and, as such, spoken by God himself. Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.

As Introductions

Old Testament

YAHWEH calls Moses and his aide Joshua up onto Mt. Sinai to receive the Commandments in the form of stone tablets. For six days the people can see the glory-cloud covering the mountain before Moses alone is summoned into the divine presence at its fiery centre.


The Psalmist presents YAHWEH as the holy and exalted king over all the earth but resident in Zion his holy mountain. There he has executed righteousness and justice for all to see. There the Law was given through his priests who met with him in the pillar of cloud.

New Testament

St. Peter stresses to his audience that he was one of the eyewitnesses to the power and majesty of Jesus at the Transfiguration and follows no myth. He then exults in this event as a fulfillment of scriptural prophecy and, as such, spoken by God himself.


Six days after first teaching his disciples about his impending death, Jesus goes up into a mountain with an inner circle. There, his face blazing like the sun and his clothes becoming a brilliant white, he is transformed. When he is joined by Moses and Elijah, the greatest figures of the Old Testament, Peter wants to erect shelters for all three but a voice from heaven makes it clear that it is Jesus alone who warrants their full attention as the Son of God.


Readings for February 19, 2017 Year A Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18
  • Psalm 119:33-40

Second Reading

  • 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23


  • Matthew 5:38-48

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

In this passage we are told that our need to be holy is because YAHWEH himself is holy. Five times we are reminded that we are to live in these ways simply because “I am the LORD”. This Holiness Code is spelled out in terms of our responsibility to love our neighbor as ourselves. This goes beyond simply treating others with respect to actively promoting their welfare. The Psalmist understands that the Commandments are not just an arbitrary list of rules but a way or path to the kind of life promised by YAHWEH for his people. It is the Psalmist’s deepest prayer to know, understand, and walk in this way. St. Paul continues making his point to the Corinthian church that their faith and their standing with God rests on Christ alone and not on the work of any merely human leader. Built on this foundation, they are a holy temple, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and, because they belong to Christ, precious in God’s eyes. In the Gospel Jesus he calls us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. While this may sound like the Holiness Code, our Lord makes it clear that he is setting the standard even higher for his followers, to the point of impossibility apart from the grace of God.

As Introductions

Old Testament

In this passage we are told that our need to be holy is because YAHWEH himself is holy. Five times we are reminded that we are to live in these ways simply because “I am the LORD”. This Holiness Code is spelled out in terms of our responsibility to love our neighbor as ourselves. This goes beyond simply treating others with respect to actively promoting their welfare.


The Psalmist understands that the Commandments are not just an arbitrary list of rules but a way or path to the kind of life promised by YAHWEH for his people. It is the Psalmist’s deepest prayer to know, understand, and walk in this way.

New Testament

St. Paul continues making his point to the Corinthian church that their faith and their standing with God rests on Christ alone and not on the work of any merely human leader. Built on this foundation, they are a holy temple, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and, because they belong to Christ, precious in God’s eyes.


In the Gospel Jesus he calls us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. While this may sound like the Holiness Code, our Lord makes it clear that he is setting the standard even higher for his followers, to the point of impossibility apart from the grace of God.


Readings for February 12, 2017 Year A Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Deuteronomy 30:15-20
  • Psalm 119:1-8

Second Reading

  • 1 Corinthians 3:1-9


  • Matthew 5:21-37

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

With the people of Israel about to enter the Promised Land, Moses addresses the nation for the last time. In dramatic fashion he beseeches them to follow the ways of YAHWEH in order to be successful in the Land. It is up to them to choose: will it be life or death? It’s that simple. The Psalmist affirms the delight in store for those who truly follow YAHWEH’s commandments. He yearns for the ability to do so himself and realizes that his relationship with God is dependent upon his success. St. Paul laments that the divisions among the Corinthian church reveal their immaturity in Christ. They are more “of the flesh” than “of the spirit” when they align themselves with various leaders instead of realizing that all are merely servants of Christ. Each of us is to use our ability to build up the whole church. In the Gospel Jesus calls his church to a way of life that refuses to tolerate even the attitudes that lead to sinful action, not just sinful action itself. Anger and lustful thoughts are just as much the true enemies of our soul as the actual acts of murder and adultery to which they lead. To follow Jesus truly is a challenge to our usual way of thinking.

As Introductions

Old Testament

With the people of Israel about to enter the Promised Land, Moses addresses the nation for the last time. In dramatic fashion he beseechs them to follow the ways of YAHWEH in order to be successful in the Land. It is up to them to choose: will it be life or death? It’s that simple.


The Psalmist affirms the delight in store for those who truly follow YAHWEH’s commandments. He yearns for the ability to do so himself and realizes that his relationship with God is dependent upon his success.

New Testament

St. Paul laments that the divisions among the Corinthian church reveal their immaturity in Christ. They are more “of the flesh” than “of the spirit” when they align themselves with various leaders instead of realizing that all are merely servants of Christ. Each of us is to use our ability to build up the whole church.


In the Gospel Jesus calls his church to a way of life that refuses to tolerate even the attitudes that lead to sinful action, not just sinful action itself. Anger and lustful thoughts are just as much the true enemies of our soul as the actual acts of murder and adultery to which they lead. To follow Jesus truly is a challenge to our usual way of thinking.