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Full lections can be read here.
Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (Exodus 16:2-15)
The Israelites grumble to Moses, saying it would have been better to have died in Egypt where they at least had lots to eat. The Lord says that he is going to provide them bread from heaven each morning as well as quails each evening.
Psalm (105:1-6, 37-45)
The Psalmist exhorts the Lord’s chosen people to seek his presence, remember his wonderful works on their behalf, and make him known among the nations. He brought them out of Egypt, provided food in the wilderness, and gave them the promised land.
Second Reading (Philippians 1:21-30)
Paul, called to be of further service to the early Christian communities, reluctantly accepts any delay in being fully in Christ’s presence. He calls the Philippians to live worthy of the Gospel and stand firm with him in the face of opposition and suffering.
Gospel (Matthew 20:1-16)
Jesus tells of a vineyard owner who hires men early to work for the normal daily rate. He hires others later but pays them all the same. His generosity angers the first group but serves to show how the last shall be first and the first last in the Kingdom of God.
- Being content with the blessings we have
- Why are we angry with God or others? Do we really have a case?
- Being faithful in times of suffering means trusting in Christ and resisting the urge to complain, which reveals a lack of such trust
- God always gives us more than we deserve (grace)
- Living as God’s people does not mean we will not have to suffer
Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)
Open our hearts, O Lord, to give heed to what is said by your Son.
Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)
Almighty God,
you have created the heavens and the earth,
and ourselves in your image.
Teach us to discern your hand in all your works
and to serve you with reverence and thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN
Based on the Alternate Readings
First Reading (Jonah 3:10-4:11)
The Lord spares the repentant city of Nineveh from the destruction Jonah had warned it about. Angry, Jonah is confronted by the Lord because he is more concerned about a dead plant that provided him shade than the fate of the many inhabitants of Nineveh.
Psalm (145:1-8)
The Psalmist says that he will praise the Lord for his surpassing majesty and his wonderful works, for which future generations will extoll him. They will sing of his goodness and righteousness, his grace and mercy, and his love and slowness to anger.
Second Reading (Philippians 1:21-30)
Paul, called to be of further service to the early Christian communities, reluctantly accepts any delay in being fully in Christ’s presence. He calls the Philippians to live worthy of the Gospel and stand firm with him in the face of opposition and suffering.
Gospel (Matthew 20:1-16)
Jesus tells of a vineyard owner who hires men early to work for the normal daily rate. He hires others later but pays them all the same. His generosity angers the first group but serves to show how the last shall be first and the first last in the Kingdom of God.
- Being content with the blessings we have
- Why are we angry with God or others? Do we really have a case?
- Being faithful in times of suffering means trusting in Christ and resisting the urge to complain, which reveals a lack of such trust
- God always gives us more than we deserve (grace)
- Living as God’s people does not mean we will not have to suffer
- Like God, we should be slow to anger
Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)
Open our hearts, O Lord, to give heed to what is said by your Son.
Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)
Almighty God,
you have created the heavens and the earth,
and ourselves in your image.
Teach us to discern your hand in all your works
and to serve you with reverence and thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN