Lection Connection for the Presentation of the Lord can be found here.
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Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (Micah 6:1-8)
Micah pictures the Lord calling the mountains as witnesses to what he teaches wayward Judah. Do they not remember being brought out of Egypt to the Promised Land? It is not more ritual sacrifices that he requires, but humbly walking in his way of love and justice.
Psalm (Psalm 15)
The Psalmist points out that those who would dwell with the Lord must walk blamelessly, speaking and doing the truth no matter the cost.
Second Reading (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)
Paul points out that the message of the cross contradicts the way spiritual truth is normally acquired. It is foolishness to Greeks seeking wisdom and weakness to Jews seeking powerful signs. The Lord alone saves and therefore no one can boast.
Gospel (Matthew 5:1-12)
Matthew recounts how Jesus, having ascended a mountain, teaches about the attitudes and actions that characterize those who will inherit the kingdom of God. He outlines a blessed life of meekness and humility which results in opposition and even persecution.
- God’s ways are not our ways and can sometimes contradict them
- God is the one to exercise spiritual power, while we are to follow him in humility
- It is God who saves, not we ourselves
- To walk humbly before our God is to put his ways above ours and to believe that he will indeed save us in spite of appearances to the contrary