Third Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 5, 2019

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Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 9:1-6, [7-20])

On his way to Damascus to arrest followers of Jesus, the young rabbi Saul is stopped in his tracks by the risen Lord. Blinded by the encounter, he is led to a nervous Ananias for healing. The Lord had told Ananias of Saul’s calling to preach the Gospel to all, including the Gentiles.

Psalm (30)

The Psalmist rejoices in the fact that he has been restored to life from the Pit. He urges God’s people to rejoice in such a God, whose favour outlasts his righteous anger and who replaces weeping with joy. In his present need the Psalmist appeals to God to turn things around again.

Second Reading (Revelation 5:11-14)

John describes a heavenly scene of myriads of creatures, earthly and heavenly, strange and familiar, surrounding the throne of God and the Lamb. The Lamb, although slaughtered, is now worthy to receive every imaginable glory, honour, and blessing, and all present say Amen!

Gospel (John 21:1-19)

John describes a third appearance of the recently risen Christ to his disciples. He directs them unerringly to a huge catch of fish and then invites them to breakfast with him. He then asks Peter three times if he loves him and then commissions him to feed his sheep.


  • There is no situation that the God of resurrection cannot turn around for good
  • Weeping, loss, and even death, are not the final answers for God’s people
  • No matter what we do, we are not beyond the grace of God
  • In God’s plan, exaltation follows humiliation