Transfiguration Sunday, February 14, 2021


Please see Using Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (1 Kings 2:1-12)

The young prophet Elisha refuses to let Elijah, his mentor, pass from this world until he is promised a double portion of his spirit. Elijah makes this promise and then is taken into heaven in a whirlwind by a chariot and horses of fire.

Psalm (50:1-6)

The Lord, the righteous judge, shines out of Zion and summons the entire earth before him. He appears in a consuming fire in the midst of a powerful whirlwind, executing justice for his people.

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 4:3-6)

For Paul, the gospel he proclaims is a brilliant light in the darkness, reflecting the glory of God seen in the face of Jesus Christ. Paul points, not to himself, but to Jesus Christ as Lord. Those whose minds are blinded by the god of this age are unable to see this light.

Gospel (Mark 9:2-9)

After identifying himself as the suffering Messiah and thereby disturbing his disciples, Jesus is transfigured, appearing in dazzling white between Moses and Elijah. A voice from heaven affirms him as his beloved Son, to whom all should listen.


• God is on the side of light and against darkness
• God’s word is good news and glorious light
• Jesus reveals the glory of God in his own being
• In the presence of God there is revelation of truth
• Jesus shares the characteristics of divinity
• Jesus, as the light of the world, outshines all who came before and should be seen above all others