The First Sunday after Christmas Day, December 27, 2020

Please see Using Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 61:10-62:3)

Isaiah is caught up in rejoicing over the vindication of Israel that is surely coming. She will appear gloriously clothed in righteousness and salvation, with a new name, and as a royal crown in the hand of the Lord. All the nations will see it.

Psalm (148)

The Psalmist calls upon all that composes heaven and earth, animate and inanimate, to worship the Lord in a crescendo of praise. His glory is unsurpassed, and he is raising up a mighty leader for his people.

Second Reading (Galatians 4:4-7)

Paul celebrates the fact that when the right time God sent his Son to be born under the Law in order that Gentiles might be adopted as God’s children. Recipients of the Spirit of the Son, they enjoy an intimate relationship with the Father, no longer slaves but heirs.

Gospel (Luke 2:22-40)

Simeon, a faithful Jew, recognizes the infant Jesus as Messiah and predicts that the child will be a light to the Gentiles while bringing glory to Israel and disturbing many. The prophet Anna then sees Jesus and speaks of him to those looking for God’s redemption.


• Great things of God are about to happen
• The Lord is the universal God
• Gentiles are included in the salvation brought by Christ
• Rejoice!
• The Christ-event fulfills the greatest expectations of Israel
• The Christ-event divides history into before and after