Please see How to Use Lection Connection
First Reading and Psalm
- Acts 1:6-14
- Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35
Second Reading
- 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
- John 17:1-11
Full lections can be read here.
Based on the Readings as Set
In Jesus’ risen presence his disciples wonder if the expected restoration of Israel’s kingdom is now imminent. Jesus instead tells them that the Holy Spirit will be coming upon them in power and they will be his witnesses even to the ends of the earth. He then ascends into a cloud while an angel informs them that he will come again in like manner. The gathered community then devotes itself to prayer. The Psalmist calls upon his people to give joyful witness to the nations concerning Yahweh who rides upon the clouds and whose power fills the sky. He gives power and strength to his people. Peter encourages Christians who are suffering for their obedience to Christ to see this as a test arising out of the predictable opposition of the devil. They are blessed in having the Spirit of glory and will be exalted by God after this time of humbling. The devil is an aggressive and dangerous adversary but his strength will be overcome by the grace of God’s restorative power. In his prayer at the end of his earthly life Jesus links his faithful work and witness to the glory it has brought to the Father. He will soon be leaving his followers who also belong to the Father and he asks that they might be protected and preserved in the same unity he enjoys with his Father.
As Introductions and/or Bulletin Use
First Reading
In Jesus’ risen presence his disciples wonder if the expected restoration of Israel’s kingdom is now imminent. Jesus instead tells them that the Holy Spirit will be coming upon them in power and they will be his witnesses even to the ends of the earth. He then ascends into a cloud while an angel informs them that he will come again in like manner. The gathered community then devotes itself to prayer.
The Psalmist calls upon his people to give joyful witness to the nations concerning Yahweh who rides upon the clouds and whose power fills the sky. He gives power and strength to his people.
Second Reading
Peter encourages Christians who are suffering for their obedience to Christ to see this as a test arising out of the predictable opposition of the devil. They are blessed in having the Spirit of glory and will be exalted by God after this time of humbling. The devil is an aggressive and dangerous adversary but his strength will be overcome by the grace of God’s restorative power.
In his prayer at the end of his earthly life Jesus links his faithful work and witness to the glory it has brought to the Father. He will soon be leaving his followers who also belong to the Father and he asks that they might be protected and preserved in the same unity he enjoys with his Father.