Second Sunday of Easter, April 19, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:14a, 22-32)

Peter reminds those gathered in Jerusalem that they knew of the attesting miracles that Jesus had performed but handed him over to death anyway. However, God raised him, freeing him from death itself just as David had foreseen. Jesus’ disciples are all witnesses to this fact.

Psalm (16)

In today’s Psalm, David affirms his total commitment to the Lord and rejoices in the benefits of having done so. These even extend to victory over the power of the grave.

Second Reading (1 Peter 1:3-9)

Peter exults in how the resurrection of Jesus absolutely has secured the believers’ inheritance beyond this life. Even though we cannot see him, this fact is a source of deep joy, even in times of trial that severely test our faith.

Gospel (John 20:19-31)

On Easter evening Jesus appears to his disciples and breathes the Holy Spirit on them, sending them into the world to continue his mission. A week later, he convinces a doubting Thomas and blesses those who believe without actually seeing for themselves.



  • The bodily resurrection of Jesus is well attested by the personal witness of those who encountered him in risen form
  • The mission of the Church arises out of the bodily resurrection of Jesus and the salvation he has accomplished
  • The resurrection of Jesus is proof that God provides victory over death itself
  • The resurrection of Jesus makes all the difference to our faith


Have you believed, Thomas, because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe. John 20.29


Almighty and eternal God,
the strength of those who believe
and the hope of those who doubt,
may we, who have not seen, have faith
and receive the fullness of Christ’s blessing,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN


Resurrection of the Lord (Easter), April 12, 2020, Year A

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set, and Including Alternates

First Reading (Acts 10: 34-43)

Peter tells Cornelius the Roman centurion that God accepts all who fear him, regardless of nationality, and then informs him about Jesus. His death and resurrection reveal him as the universal Lord and judge of all. and everyone who believes in him receives salvation.


Alternate First Reading (Jeremiah 31:1-6)

Jeremiah forecasts a great Day ahead for the destroyed and scattered tribes of Israel, a Day in which they shall be joyfully gathered together in the fruitful Land. This return to life is a result of the Lord’s everlasting love for his people and will stimulate fervent worship in Zion.

Psalm (118:1-2, 14-24)

The Psalmist has experienced the Lord’s punishment and then, in answer to prayer, a last-minute rescue from death. The gates of righteousness are now thrown open and the rejected stone has now become the cornerstone. It is the day of the Lord’s salvation.

Second Reading (Colossians 3:1-4)

St. Paul exhorts the Colossians, on the basis of their incorporation into the risen Christ, to set their minds on things above. They have already died to earthly things and will share in his glory when he comes again.


Alternate Second Reading (Acts 10:34-43)

Peter tells Cornelius the Roman centurion that God accepts all who fear him, regardless of nationality, and then informs him about Jesus. His death and resurrection reveal him as the universal Lord and judge of all. and everyone who believes in him receives salvation.

Gospel (John 20:1-18)

Mary Magdalene discovers the empty tomb and runs to tell Peter and the other disciple who run to see for themselves. Mary encounters the risen Lord and recognizes him when he calls her name. Told to tell the others that he will soon ascend, she does so.


Alternate Gospel (Matthew 28:1-10)

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary go to Jesus’ tomb early on the first day of the week. There an angel informs them that Jesus is risen and bids them tell the disciples to go to Galilee to meet him. Jesus himself then appears, calming their fear and sending them on their mission.



  • The resurrection of Jesus has implications for all humanity as Lord of all
  • The resurrection of Jesus is a turning point in history itself
  • The resurrection of Jesus turns everything upside down.
  • The resurrection of Jesus opens the gate of life to all who would believe
  • The resurrection of Jesus and its reality is the foundation of Christian faith
  • The resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of the new creation


Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast. 1 Corinthians 5.7–8


Lord of life and power,
through the mighty resurrection of your Son,
you have overcome the old order of sin and death and have made all things new in him.
May we, being dead to sin
and alive to you in Jesus Christ,
reign with him in glory,
who with you and the Holy Spirit is alive,
one God, now and for ever. AMEN

Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, November 10, 2019, Proper 27, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Haggai 1:15b-2:9)

Haggai is given a message for the people of Judah who have returned from exile to the Holy Land: the Lord will continue to be with them and their ruined temple will rise again. More splendid even than Solomon’s temple, it will be filled with the wealth of nations.

Psalm (145:1-5, 17-21)

The Psalmist is caught up in praise as he contemplates the unsurpassed majesty and splendor of the Lord, who blesses the faithful and destroys the wicked. All flesh will someday come to worship him as well.

Second Reading (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17)

To the church in Thessalonica, concerned about the return of Jesus and being gathered to him, Paul re-affirms that this glorious event will occur, but only after the rise of the lawless one. As the first fruits of this coming salvation, his readers are to hold fast.

Gospel (Luke 20:27-38)

Luke relates Jesus’ encounter with some Sadducees who try to make belief in the resurrection seem absurd. Jesus responds by teaching that the resurrection is a scripturally-based reality that will gloriously transcend our experience of this world.


  • The unsurpassing glory of God brings forth our worship
  • God’s salvation will be seen by all people
  • God is in the resurrection business
  • God will keep his promises, no matter what things look like now
  • God’s future transcends our world and our expectations


Based on the Readings as Set, but with the Alternative Psalm

First Reading (Haggai 1:15b-2:9)

Haggai is given a message for the people of Judah who have returned from exile to the Holy Land: the Lord will continue to be with them and their ruined temple will rise again. More splendid even than Solomon’s temple, it will be filled with the wealth of nations.

Psalm (98)

The Psalmist calls for exuberant celebration of the great power of the Lord demonstrated in his decisive exaltation of Israel. The nations bear witness to this miracle and are urged to join in the rejoicing of nature itself.

Second Reading (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17)

To the church in Thessalonica, concerned about the return of Jesus and being gathered to him, Paul re-affirms that this glorious event will occur, but only after the rise of the lawless one. As the first fruits of this coming salvation, his readers are to hold fast.

Gospel (Luke 20:27-38)

Luke relates Jesus’ encounter with some Sadducees who try to make belief in the resurrection seem absurd. Jesus responds by teaching that the resurrection is a scripturally-based reality that will gloriously transcend our experience of this world.


  • The unsurpassing glory of God brings forth our worship
  • God’s salvation will be seen by all people
  • God is in the resurrection business
  • God will keep his promises, no matter what things look like now
  • God’s future transcends our world and our expectations


Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (Job 19:23-27a)

In this remarkable passage Job cries out for his words of ultimate hope in the Lord to be written down. Despite his great suffering he is confident of his ultimate vindication. He says that in his own flesh he shall see God long after he has died and his body destroyed.

Psalm (17:1-9)

The Psalmist sees himself as a besieged innocent and cries out to the Lord for vindication. He is confident of being heard and ultimately finding refuge under the shadow of God’s wing.

Second Reading (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17)

To the church in Thessalonica, concerned about the return of Jesus and being gathered to him, Paul re-affirms that this glorious event will occur, but only after the rise of the lawless one. As the first fruits of this coming salvation, his readers are to hold fast.

Gospel (Luke 20:27-38)

Luke relates Jesus’ encounter with some Sadducees who try to make belief in the resurrection seem absurd. Jesus responds by teaching that the resurrection is a scripturally-based reality that will gloriously transcend our experience of this world.


  • God’s salvation will be seen by all people
  • God is in the resurrection business
  • God will keep his promises, no matter what things look like now
  • God’s future transcends our world and our expectations
  • Vengeance is mine, says the Lord