Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, July 22, 2018, Proper 11, Year B

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Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (2 Samuel 7:1-14a)

David wants to build a proper house for the Lord but the Lord says that is not his wish. Instead he will build a “house” for David, an assured line of descendants to rule an eternal kingdom. One of them, whom he calls his “son”, will build a house for his name.

Psalm (89:20-37)

God declares that his steadfast love and faithfulness will be with David and his royal line forever. He will call God his “Father” and the “Rock of his salvation”. Even if his successors prove unfaithful this promise will still hold and his throne will endure forever.

Second Reading (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Writing to Gentile Christians, Paul points out their spiritual state before they knew Christ. They were without God or hope, outsiders to Israel and her covenants. The opposite is now true. They even form part of God’s house, a holy temple built on Christ.

Gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56)

Jesus’ disciples return from their mission and Jesus tries to lead them on a quiet retreat. A rushing crowd intervenes and to Jesus they are sheep without a shepherd so he teaches them. Elsewhere, his presence excites the local populace and he heals many.


  • From the beginning the mission of God has Jesus Christ at its centre
  • The Son of David, the Son of God
  • God’s promises go well beyond our expectations
  • God himself is in the midst of his people. He himself will provide the temple where he dwells

Based on the Alternative Readings

First Reading (Jeremiah 23:1-6)

The Lord proclaims woe to Israel’s leaders who have failed as proper shepherds of the people. He will gather them back to a fruitful Land under good shepherds, especially one of David’s descendants who will be named “The Lord is my righteousness”.

Psalm (23)

The Psalmist sees the Lord as a good shepherd who looks after his flock, abundantly providing for them even in difficult circumstances. Goodness and mercy characterize a life lived in his fold.

Second Reading (Ephesians 2:11-22)

Writing to Gentile Christians, Paul articulates their spiritual state before they knew Christ. They were without God or hope, outsiders to Israel and her covenants. The opposite is now true. They even form part of God’s house, a holy temple built on Christ.

Gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56)

Jesus’ disciples return from their mission and Jesus tries to lead them on a quiet retreat. A rushing crowd intervenes and to Jesus they are sheep without a shepherd so he teaches them. Elsewhere, his presence excites the local populace and he heals many.


  • From the beginning the mission of God has Jesus Christ at its centre
  • The Son of David as the good shepherd
  • God’s promises go well beyond our expectations
  • The need for good shepherds who will be faithful to the Good Shepherd