Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 9, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28)

Joseph’s brothers are jealous of him because he is their father’s favourite, and when he joins them far from home, they conspire to kill him. But Reuben prevents the bloodshed, and Judah convinces them to sell the boy to a caravan on its way to Egypt.

Psalm (105:1-6, 16-22, 45b)

The Psalmist calls upon Israel to praise and thank the Lord for his wonderful works. They are to exalt him among the nations, especially recalling how he sent Joseph to Egypt long ahead of his family and put him in a position to help them at just the right time.

Second Reading (Romans 10:5-15)

Paul contrasts righteousness through obeying the law with the simple act of believing in the risen Jesus and confessing him as Lord. Salvation comes to all who so believe and not just Jews. Proclaimers of Christ must be sent out so that all have a chance to hear.

Gospel (Matthew 14:22-33)

Jesus sends the disciples ahead by boat but walks out to them on the waves during a storm. Jesus commands Peter to come to him but has to save him after he starts to sink in fear and unbelief. Calm descends, and the disciples worship Jesus as the Son of God.



  • God always prepares the way for his salvation
  • The Lord saves those who look/call out to him
  • The awesome God who directs history and has power over nature
  • The nations are included in God’s offer of salvation
  • simple faith in God/Jesus is required of us
  • the Lord shows up at just the right time

Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)

I wait for the Lord; in his word is my hope. Psalm 130.4

Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)

Almighty God,
you sent your Holy Spirit
to be the life and light of your Church.
Open our hearts to the riches of your grace,
that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit
in love, joy, and peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN


Based on the Alternate Readings

First Reading (1 Kings 19:9-18)

Elijah, on the run from Queen Jezebel who is angry at his defeat of her prophets, hides in a cave and, feeling abandoned, complains to the Lord. The latter reveals himself, instructing the prophet and assuring him of victory and the presence of many faithful.

Psalm (85:8-13)

The Psalmist is confident that the Lord will hear and speak peace to all those who truly turn to him. Indeed, in his coming salvation the Land will be richly blessed as “steadfast love and faithfulness” meet, and “righteousness and peace” kiss each other.

Second Reading (Romans 10:5-15)

Paul contrasts righteousness through obeying the law with the simple act of believing in the risen Jesus and confessing him as Lord. Salvation comes to all who so believe and not just Jews. Proclaimers of Christ must be sent out so that all have a chance to hear.

Gospel (Matthew 14:22-33)

Jesus sends the disciples ahead by boat but walks out to them on the waves during a storm. Jesus commands Peter to come to him but has to save him after he starts to sink in fear and unbelief. Calm descends, and the disciples worship Jesus as the Son of God.



  • The Lord saves those who look/call out to him
  • The nations are included in God’s offer of salvation
  • simple faith in God/Jesus is required of us
  • the Lord shows up at just the right time
  • Faith has its ups and downs but God is faithful throughout

Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)

I wait for the Lord; in his word is my hope. Psalm 130.4

Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)

Almighty God,
you sent your Holy Spirit
to be the life and light of your Church.
Open our hearts to the riches of your grace,
that we may bring forth the fruit of the Spirit
in love, joy, and peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN


Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 19, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 11:1-18)

After Cornelius and his household were converted by Peter’s preaching, the Jerusalem church is concerned that he had associated with Gentiles. But they rejoice when he relates how clearly the Lord had directed him, and how the Gentiles had been given the Holy Spirit just like them.

Psalm (148)

The Psalmist enthusiastically calls on all the elements of both heaven and earth to praise the Lord who has created them all, animate and inanimate together. Now he has raised up a horn for his faithful people, a mighty deliverer to save them at last.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:1-6)

As part of the final scene of John’s vision, he depicts a transformed creation in which God will dwell among all humanity as his people, in a new Jerusalem. Suffering, tears, and death will be no more. They will drink of the water of life as God brings his plan of redemption to conclusion.

Gospel (John 13:31-35)

On the night before he died, Jesus speaks to his disciples of his being glorified, and of God being glorified in him. He tells them he is going where they cannot go, but they are to love one another as he has loved them: this will show others that they do, in fact, follow him.


  • The plan of God will be carried out
  • God is the Lord of creation and even of history itself
  • The course of redemption does not follow in an obvious or straight direction
  • Salvation has a universal scope and all aspects of life will be redeemed
  • The transcendent love of God




Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 12, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 9:36-43)

Shortly after Paul’s conversion, Peter is visiting the Christians along the Mediterranean coast.  He is called to minister in Joppa because a devoted believer named Tabitha had become sick and died. He commands her to get up and she does, causing many locals to believe in Jesus.

Psalm (23)

The Psalmist sees the Lord as a good shepherd who looks after his flock, abundantly providing for them even in difficult circumstances. Goodness and mercy characterize a life lived in his fold.

Second Reading (Revelation 7:9-17)

John’s vision of heaven focusses on an uncountable number from every nation surrounding the throne of God and the Lamb with resounding praise. He is told that they are believers who have persisted through a great ordeal and now will enjoy being shepherded by the Lamb forever.

Gospel (John 10:22-30)

Jesus responds to Jewish demands for a plain declaration of his messiahship by saying that he has already done so through his deeds. Those who have not believed are not of his sheep but the latter know his voice and follow him to eternal life. No one can snatch them away.


  • God/Jesus as the Good Shepherd
  • The followers of the Lord can rest secure in his care
  • The power of resurrection is at work in the life of believers
  • The implications of following a Shepherd who is also the Lamb