Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 10, 2020

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Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 7:55-60)

Stephen, about to become the first Christian martyr, sees Jesus in the heavens standing at the right hand of God and commits his spirit to him. Even as the stones fall cruelly upon him he finds refuge in the certainty of eternal life with the Resurrected One.

Psalm (31:1-5, 15-16)

In a time of desperate need, the Psalmist commits his spirit into the hand of the Lord, his redeemer and his fortress. He does so in the sure knowledge that the Lord is righteous, faithful and loving.

Second Reading (1 Peter 2:2-10)

Peter refers to Jesus as the keystone of the living temple made up of believers, living stones who offer up spiritual sacrifices to God through Christ. They who were once but aliens are now a chosen race, a royal priesthood and a holy nation.

Gospel (John 14:1-14)

Jesus promises his disciples that he will return and take them to be with him and the Father. He explains that he himself is the way and that he and the Father are one. In Jesus’ absence the disciples will be able to expand Jesus’ works, all to the Father’s glory.



  • The resurrected Jesus is the One we must depend upon
  • We can do the works of Jesus only in his name and power
  • God is our refuge
  • Jesus shares the divine characteristics of the Father
  • Our way to the Father is through the Son


I am the way, the truth, and the life, says the Lord; no one comes to the Father, but by me. John 14.6


Almighty God,
your Son Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Give us grace to love one another
and walk in the way of his commandments,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. AMEN