Second Sunday after Christmas Day, January 3, 2021

Please see Using Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Jeremiah 31:7-14)

Jeremiah calls the remnant of Israel to celebrate the fact that the Lord will ransom and redeem them from their disastrous exile. The nations will see him gather his sheep and restore them to the Land, numerous, healthy and prosperous, under his fatherly care.

Psalm (147:12-20)

The Psalmist exhorts Israel to praise the Lord who gives them both protection and peace. Through his commanding word all of nature provides for their needs. The divine word is also expressed in his beneficial laws given uniquely to them, of all the nations.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:3-14)

Paul joyfully recites the many blessings we have as people who have been made partakers in what Christ has done. We share in God’s glorious future: blameless, chosen, adopted, redeemed and forgiven. The Spirit within is our guarantee that of all of this is true.

 Gospel (John 1:1-18)

John tells us that with the Word of creation taking on flesh, God himself has come among us as light and life, as grace and truth. John the Baptist serves as witness but not all to whom the Word is sent receive him. Believers, conversely, are born of God and made his children.


• Celebrate: God has done so much for us
• God is with us in so many ways
• We owe everything to the Word of God
• Jesus is the final and ultimate Word of God
• God’s word accomplishes God’s purposes



Second Sunday after Christmas, Year A, January 5, 2020

Lection Connection for Epiphany of Our Lord can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Jeremiah 31:7-14)

Jeremiah calls the remnant of Israel to celebrate the fact that the Lord will ransom and redeem them from their disastrous exile. The nations will see him gather his sheep and restore them to the Land, numerous, healthy and prosperous under his fatherly care.

Psalm (147:12-20)

The Psalmist exhorts Israel to praise the Lord because he gives them both protection and peace. Through his commanding word all of nature provides for their needs. The divine word is also expressed in his beneficial laws given uniquely to them, of all the nations.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:3-14)

Paul joyfully recites the many blessings we have as people who have been made partakers in what Christ has done. We are participants in God’s glorious future: blameless, chosen, adopted, redeemed and forgiven. The Spirit within is our guarantee that of all of this is true.

 Gospel (John 1:1-14)

John tells us that as the Word who created the world took on our flesh, God made himself known. John the Baptist is only a witness to this light, one greater than Moses just as grace is superior to law. Only those who receive the Word are born of God and made his children.


  • Celebrate: God has done so much for us
  • God is with us in so many ways
  • We owe everything to the Word of God
  • Jesus is the final and ultimate Word of God