Day of Pentecost, May 31, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Amidst the sound of a strong wind, tongues of fire appear upon them. They proclaim God’s power in the languages of many amazed pilgrims and Peter explains that the age to come has arrived.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (1 Corinthians 12:3b-13)

Paul emphasizes that, while there is a wide variety of spiritual gifts, services, and activities, they all come from the one Lord and are for the common good. Just as our bodies are made up of very different parts, so the Spirit orders his gifts into a unified whole.

Gospel (John 20:19-23)

John relates the initial post-resurrection appearance of Jesus on Easter evening. The Lord first bestows peace upon his disciples and then shows them his hands and side. Finally, he breathes the Holy Spirit upon them and sends them out to continue his work of the forgiveness of sins.



  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation, ordering everything aright.
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable and extend the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit is Christ-with-us and in us
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in us the fire of your love.


Almighty and everliving God,
who fulfilled the promises of Easter
by sending us your Holy Spirit
and opening to every race and nation
the way of life eternal,
keep us in the unity of your Spirit,
that every tongue may tell of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN


Based on the Alternate Readings

First Reading (Numbers 11:24-30)

To spread the burden of leadership, the Lord bestows some of the Spirit Moses had been given on seventy elders. Moses is criticized when two elders not present begin to prophesy as well. He responds by saying he wishes all of God’s people were given the Spirit.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Amidst the sound of a strong wind, tongues of fire appear upon them. They proclaim God’s power in the languages of many amazed pilgrims and Peter explains that the age to come has arrived.

Gospel (John 7:37-39)

Jesus attends the Feast of the Tabernacles which usually involved the pouring of pure water on the Temple altar. There he invites anyone who thirsts to come to him and have rivers of living water flow out of their heart. John says that Jesus is referring to the Holy Spirit in each believer.



  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit more than makes up for the physical absence of Jesus


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful; and kindle in us the fire of your love.


Almighty and everliving God,
who fulfilled the promises of Easter
by sending us your Holy Spirit
and opening to every race and nation
the way of life eternal,
keep us in the unity of your Spirit,
that every tongue may tell of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN


Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 24, 2020

Lection Connection for Ascension Day can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 1:6-14)

To his disciples’ question of when he will establish his kingdom, the risen Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will come upon them in power and they will be his witnesses the world over. He then ascends into a cloud, after which they devote themselves to prayer.

Psalm (68:1-10, 32-35)

The Psalmist calls for a joyful witness to the nations concerning the Lord, who reverses the fortunes of the needy and has always stood by Israel. He rides upon the clouds, filling the sky with his awesome power and giving strength to his people.

Second Reading (1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11)

Encouraging Christians who are suffering because they have obeyed Christ, Peter declares this a test arising from the predictable hostility of the devil. Presently humbled, but blessed in having the Spirit, by grace they will finally overcome him and be exalted.

Gospel (John 17:1-11)

In his prayer near the end of his earthly life, Jesus portrays his becoming the source of eternal life as a work that has glorified his Father. Soon to leave his disciples behind in the world, he asks that they be preserved in the same unity he shares with the Father.



  • Jesus is always concerned for his disciples and provides what they need in order to carry on his mission to the nations
  • The power of God is active in the life and witness of Christians
  • Christians are to continue the mission of Jesus through the Holy Spirit
  • In spite of our misunderstandings, Christ is at work in us through his Spirit
  • Emmanuel: God is with us


I will not leave you desolate, says the Lord; I will come to you. John 14.18


Almighty God,
you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ
with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven. Mercifully give us faith to know
that, as he promised,
he abides with us on earth to the end of time;
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN

Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 17, 2020

Lection Connection for Ascension Day can be found here.

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 17:22-31)

Paul invites Athenians to turn to the “unknown God” whose altar he found in their city. This God, he proclaims, is Creator and sustainer of all, not a mere human-made idol. He has chosen a man to judge the whole world and raised him from the dead to prove it.

Psalm (66:8-20)

The Psalmist calls upon the nations to bless the God who has tested, sustained and delivered Israel. Consider as well, he says, what the has done for me in his steadfast love! He has heard my cry because I have not walked in iniquity.

Second Reading (1 Peter 3:13-22)

In dealing with the question of suffering for doing good, St. Peter points to Jesus, the perfectly good one who suffered and died for our sins. His resurrection assures his place at God’s right hand and serves as the basis of the salvation we enter through baptism.

Gospel (John 14:15-21)

Jesus makes it clear that those who truly love him will keep his commandments. Even though he will soon be departing this life, he will give all who obey him the Spirit of truth. The Spirit will enable them to have an ongoing intimacy with him and the Father.



  • Those who claim to love God will seek to live by his laws
  • The evidence for God and his truth is there for those willing to see and believe
  • The resurrection of Jesus serves to authenticate his roles in the salvation of the world
  • Suffering and death find their ultimate answer in the resurrection of Jesus


If you love me, you will keep my word, and my Father will love you, and we will come to you. See John 14.23


Merciful God,
you have prepared for those who love you
riches beyond imagination.
Pour into our hearts such love toward you,
that we, loving you above all things,
may obtain your promises,
which exceed all that we can desire;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN

Fifth Sunday in Lent, Year A, March 29, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection.

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

The Lord has Ezekiel prophesy to a valley of scattered bones which then come together to form many living people again. The Lord explains that this represents how he will put his Spirit into his scattered people, bring them out of exile and restore them to the Land.

Psalm (130)

The Psalmist expresses his conviction that the Lord will indeed forgive his sins and, in spite of present troubles, he waits in hope for this to happen. He exhorts all Israel similarly to trust in the Lord’s steadfast love and promise of redemption.

Second Reading (Romans 8:6-11)

Paul urges us not to set our minds on the sinful “flesh” which is opposed to God and subject to death. Instead, we should embrace the Holy Spirit who is in each believer imparting Christ’s righteousness and a present share in resurrection life.

Gospel (John 11:1-45)

Jesus deliberately delays going to heal Lazarus, who then dies. He is able to point one sister, Martha, to the resurrection but Mary is upset with him. Weeping at the tomb and praying for God’s glory and human faith to increase, he then brings Lazarus back to life.



  • Jesus is the source of new life, both for this life and the next
  • In the light of the resurrection, we can see that physical and spiritual death are not the final word
  • Our present life often seems to bring only death, but Christ is already at work in us and in the world, bringing everlasting life
  • Holiness and righteousness are the result of resurrection life at work in God’s people


I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. John 11.25, 26


Almighty God,
your Son came into the world
to free us all from sin and death.
Breathe upon us with the power of your Spirit,
that we may be raised to new life in Christ,
and serve you in holiness and righteousness all our days; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN


Baptism of the Lord, Year A, January 12, 2020

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.


Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 42:1-9)

The Lord will send his chosen servant to bring about universal justice. Unnoticed, a new era will dawn as he opens blind eyes and sets captives free. A covenant will be made in him, the light of the nations. All glory to the Lord who has declared it so.

Psalm (29)

The Psalmist calls all heavenly beings to worship the Lord for his glory and strength, as seen in his voice shaking the very earth itself. All in his temple cry “Glory!” to the eternal king who sits above the flood. May he bless his people with strength and peace.

Second Reading (Acts 10:34-43)

Peter, his own eyes now opened, tells Gentiles associated with Cornelius that Jesus is Lord of all. While he began his mission among the Jews after John’s baptism, his resurrection shows he is Judge of all humanity and forgives anyone who believes in him.

Gospel (Matthew 3:13-17)

John the Baptist defers to Jesus as his superior, but Jesus insists on undergoing baptism to fulfill all righteousness. Jesus’ baptism culminates with his being anointed with the divine Spirit and the voice of God proclaiming him as his beloved Son.


  • Jesus assumes God’s role as Judge and Redeemer
  • All that came before Jesus witnesses to him
  • Jesus’ appearance marks the beginning of the time of God’s final Salvation
  • Jesus’ baptism moves the divine plan from the old covenant to the new
  • The person of John the Baptist is important but not as great as Jesus, to whom he bore witness
  • Jesus’ messianic ministry begins after his baptism by John
  • The combination of the humble and the majestic in the life of Jesus

Trinity Sunday, June 16, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31)

Wisdom calls humankind to be aware of its special place in creation. It was first before all other creatures and worked hand in hand with God in the process of creating the wonders of the whole earth. In these, and in humanity as well, it has reason to be delighted.

Psalm (8)

The Psalmist emphasizes that Yahweh’s name is majestic over the entire earth because of his great and awesome creation. But humankind does not suffer much in comparison, having been given dominion over that creation and crowned with glory and honor.

Second Reading (Romans 5:1-5)

Paul explains how, having been justified by faith, we are restored to God through Christ and can fully expect to share in his glory. We can even boast in that our suffering produces, in turn, endurance, character, and a sure hope, as God’s love is poured out through the Holy Spirit.

Gospel (John 16:12-15)

Jesus tells his disciples they are not ready to hear all that he needs to say to them. However, the coming Spirit will impart all truth to them, all that he has heard, including future events. In this he will glorify Jesus who, in turn, has been given everything of the Father’s.


  • The special place of humanity as the object of God’s attention
  • God extends his work through his Spirit and humankind, his special creation
  • The work of creation and new creation is wondrous indeed
  • The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit cooperate in the work of redemption
  • The Holy Spirit does not work independently of the Father and the Son



Day of Pentecost, June 9, 2019, Year C

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in the languages of astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Romans 8:14-17)

Paul identifies the Holy Spirit as the one who connects us so intimately to Christ that we share in being God’s children and heirs with him of the glory to come. Led by the Spirit, we are no longer slaves but adopted children, bearing the confirming inner witness of his Spirit.

Gospel (John 14:8-17 [25-27])

Just before he dies Jesus teaches that his works show that he and the Father are one. In fact, those who love him and follow him will actually do more, receiving all they ask in his name. Given the Spirit of truth to remind them of his teaching, they will enjoy his unique peace.


  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable and extend the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit is Christ-with-us and in us
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit more than makes up for the physical absence of Jesus

Based on the Alternate Readings

First Reading (Genesis 11:1-9)

Not long after creation humans have one language but they make a prideful attempt to build a great tower in Babel in order to reach all the way to heaven. The Lord is upset and causes them to speak in different tongues to frustrate their efforts and scatter them over the earth.

Psalm (104:24-34, 35b)

The Psalmist celebrates the wisdom of the Lord in the creation and sustaining of all things, both animate and inanimate. He accomplishes this by means of his Spirit and the Psalmist responds with heartfelt praise.

Second Reading (Acts 2:1-21)

On the Day of Pentecost Jesus’ followers are filled with the Holy Spirit as he promised. Their room is overwhelmed by wind and fire and they begin to proclaim God’s power in the languages of astonished foreign pilgrims. Peter explains this as the arrival of the age to come.

Gospel (John 14:8-17 [25-27])

Just before he dies Jesus teaches that his works show that he and the Father are one. In fact, those who love him and follow him will actually do more, receiving all they ask in his name. Given the Spirit of truth to remind them of his teaching, they will enjoy his unique peace.


  • The coming of the Holy Spirit marks the beginning of a (new) creation
  • The Holy Spirit is given in order to enable the Church’s witness to the Christ-event
  • The Holy Spirit continues the mission of the ascended Jesus
  • The Holy Spirit more than makes up for the physical absence of Jesus
  • The disunity of humanity expressed in language, is no barrier to the Gospel




Ascension Sunday, Year C, June 2, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 1:1-11)

After his resurrection Jesus teaches his disciples about the kingdom of God for forty days. Telling them to wait for the baptism in the Holy Spirit to enable them to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth, he is lifted up into a cloud with a promise that he will return in the same way.

Psalm (47)

Having subdued the whole earth through his people Israel, the Lord has ascended to his throne with thunderous acclamation. The nations are now included in his people, exalting him as their king and joining in joyful praise.


Alternate Psalm (93)

The Lord is the everlasting and universal king of creation, his creation. He is far more majestic than even the awesome thunder of the heavens or the crashing waves of the sea. His laws are sure and his house is holy.

Second Reading (Ephesians 1:15-23)

Having heard of the faith and love of the Ephesians, Paul gives thanks and prays that they will know the rich hope to which they are called. God, whose power raised Jesus from the dead and seated him on high over all other authorities, will do this. He is the head of his body, the church.

Gospel (Luke 24:44-53)

In his last resurrection appearance Jesus shows his disciples how the Scriptures predicted his suffering and rising. Witnesses to this, they are to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in his name even to the ends of the earth. With that he blesses them and ascends into heaven.


  • The ascension of Jesus to the Father marks the end of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his ministry extended through the church
  • The ascension of Jesus reveals his true position as the authoritative Son of God
  • Jesus’ followers are to carry the gospel of his kingdom to all the earth and all its inhabitants
  • Jesus ascends to the place of God as universal king over all the nations




Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 26, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 16:9-15)

In response to a vision, Paul and the missionary party, now including Luke, make their way to Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Lydia, a God-fearing Gentile businesswoman, believes Paul’s message concerning Jesus and is converted. She then invites the group to stay at her home.

Psalm (67)

The Psalmist suggests that the abundant blessings of God upon his people Israel will lead to him being known throughout the nations and praise erupting from every corner. All the peoples will honour his name when they see the amazing harvests in the land of Israel.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5)

John sees the New Jerusalem in its perfect purity, inhabited by the redeemed of all the nations. Constantly lighted solely by the very Presence of God and the Lamb, through its streets flows the river of life. It waters the tree of life with its leaves for the healing of the nations.

Gospel (John 14:23-29)

The night before he died Jesus tells his disciples that those who truly love him will keep his word, a word that is also the Father’s. He promises them the Holy Spirit to help them in this and gives them his own unique peace to comfort them in his absence as they trust in his return.


  • The nations will be an essential part of what God has in store for Israel and Jerusalem
  • The word of God is powerful, able to bring new life
  • God/Jesus will direct the mission of his church
  • What happens in Jerusalem does not stay in Jerusalem

Based on the Alternative Gospel

First Reading (Acts 16:9-15)

In response to a vision, Paul and the missionary party, now including Luke, make their way to Philippi, a city in Macedonia. Lydia, a God-fearing Gentile businesswoman, believes Paul’s message concerning Jesus and is converted. She then invites the group to stay at her home.

Psalm (67)

The Psalmist suggests that the abundant blessings of God upon his people Israel will lead to him being known throughout the nations and praise erupting from every corner. All the peoples will honour his name when they see the amazing harvests in the land of Israel.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5)

John sees the New Jerusalem in its perfect purity, inhabited by the redeemed of all the nations. Constantly lighted soley by the very Presence of God and the Lamb, through its streets flows the river of life. It waters the tree of life with its leaves for the healing of the nations.

Gospel (John 5:1-9)

Once, while Jesus is in Jerusalem on a sabbath for a Jewish feast, he encounters a long-term invalid. Because of his infirmity and a lack of assistance, he had been unable to benefit from some local healing waters. With a word Jesus heals him and he immediately begins to walk.


  • The nations will be an essential part of what God has in store for Israel and Jerusalem
  • The true waters of healing are provided by our Saviour
  • The word of God is powerful, able to bring new life
  • What happens in Jerusalem does not stay in Jerusalem



Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C, May 19, 2019

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Acts 11:1-18)

After Cornelius and his household were converted by Peter’s preaching, the Jerusalem church is concerned that he had associated with Gentiles. But they rejoice when he relates how clearly the Lord had directed him, and how the Gentiles had been given the Holy Spirit just like them.

Psalm (148)

The Psalmist enthusiastically calls on all the elements of both heaven and earth to praise the Lord who has created them all, animate and inanimate together. Now he has raised up a horn for his faithful people, a mighty deliverer to save them at last.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:1-6)

As part of the final scene of John’s vision, he depicts a transformed creation in which God will dwell among all humanity as his people, in a new Jerusalem. Suffering, tears, and death will be no more. They will drink of the water of life as God brings his plan of redemption to conclusion.

Gospel (John 13:31-35)

On the night before he died, Jesus speaks to his disciples of his being glorified, and of God being glorified in him. He tells them he is going where they cannot go, but they are to love one another as he has loved them: this will show others that they do, in fact, follow him.


  • The plan of God will be carried out
  • God is the Lord of creation and even of history itself
  • The course of redemption does not follow in an obvious or straight direction
  • Salvation has a universal scope and all aspects of life will be redeemed
  • The transcendent love of God