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Based on the Readings as Set
First Reading (Exodus 32:1-14)
While Moses meets with the Lord on Mt. Sinai, Aaron makes a golden calf to represent the god who delivered them from Egypt. The Lord angrily decides to destroy the people and make a great nation out of Moses alone, but he relents when the latter intercedes.
Psalm (106:1-6, 19-23)
The Psalmist reflects on the steadfast love of the Lord for his chosen people in the light of their great sin with the golden calf. Although they greatly dishonoured, insulted, and angered their Saviour, Moses was able to intercede and prevent their destruction.
Second Reading (Philippians 4:1-9)
Paul urges his readers to stand firm by being of the same mind in the Lord. He urges intercession for two disputing women and advises all to give thanks in everything. That is the way to peace, focussing on what is honorable, commendable and praiseworthy.
Gospel (Matthew 22:1-14)
Jesus tells of a king who invites guests to his son’s wedding feast, but they violently reject his envoys. Enraged, the king invites all and sundry to the feast but one who fails to dress correctly is rejected. Many are called into the kingdom, but few actually enter.
- God provides a feast
- Feasting as a Godly celebration of salvation
- The importance of interceding with God on behalf of others
- The serious nature of refusing God’s invitation to follow him
- Our excuses for disobedience only reveal our spiritual poverty
- Being unthankful angers God and being thankful brings peace
Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know what is the hope to which he has called us. See Ephesians 1.17, 18
Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)
Almighty God,
in our baptism you adopted us for your own. Quicken, we pray, your Spirit within us, that we, being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN
Based on the Alternate Readings
First Reading (Isaiah 25:1-9)
Isaiah exults in the Lord as a God who shelters the needy and has done such amazing deeds that all the nations will be drawn to worship him. They will come for a great feast when death and sorrow are destroyed, a day of salvation for the whole earth.
Psalm (23)
The Psalmist characterizes the Lord as a shepherd who always provides for him and all of his sheep. He abundantly supplies for all their various needs, even in the most dangerous circumstances. Life in his presence is full of goodness and mercy.
Second Reading (Philippians 4:1-9)
Paul urges his readers to stand firm by being of the same mind in the Lord. He urges intercession for two disputing women and advises all to give thanks in everything. That is the way to peace, focussing on what is honorable, commendable and praiseworthy.
Gospel (Matthew 22:1-14)
Jesus tells of a king who invites guests to his son’s wedding feast, but they violently reject his envoys. Enraged, the king invites all and sundry to the feast but one who fails to dress correctly is rejected. Many are called into the kingdom, but few actually enter.
- God is the God of provision, especially to those in need
- The invitation to salvation is universal, but the response is not
- Feasting as a Godly celebration of salvation
- The importance of interceding on behalf of others
- The serious nature of refusing God’s invitation to follow him
- Being unthankful angers God and being thankful brings peace
Scripture Sentence (BAS, Canada)
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know what is the hope to which he has called us. See Ephesians 1.17, 18
Collect of the Day (BAS, Canada)
Almighty God,
in our baptism you adopted us for your own. Quicken, we pray, your Spirit within us, that we, being renewed both in body and mind, may worship you in sincerity and truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN