Readings for January 22, 2017 Year A Third Sunday after the Epiphany

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 9:1-4
  • Psalm 27:1, 4-9

Second Reading

  • 1 Corinthians 1:10-18


  • Matthew 4:12-23

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

The prophet Isaiah, speaking at a time of distress, declares that a time is coming in which Galilee, although dominated by Gentiles and held in contempt, will be the first to experience the glorious light of liberation. This will happen like it did when Gideon’s tiny band defeated the powerful army of the Midians in the days of old. The Psalmist declares his trust in YAHWEH as his light and salvation and in whose presence he desires to dwell concealed from his enemies. There he will be sure to rise above them and be safe, if only YAHWEH will grant him a hearing. St. Paul exhorts the Corinthians to live in the unity of the one in whose name they have been baptized. He reminds them that his own calling is not even to baptize, let alone have people be his disciples. He is only a servant of Christ, who has sent him to preach the gospel of the cross that, although seeming foolish to unbelievers, is actually the power of God for salvation. St. Matthew tells us that when Jesus withdrew to obscurity in Galilee, a region long under a Gentile cloud, he was fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. It is there that he begins to assemble his tiny band of disciples and the dawning light of God’s kingdom blessings begins to shine in the darkness.

As Introductions

Old Testament

The prophet Isaiah, speaking at a time of distress, declares that a time is coming in which Galilee, although dominated by Gentiles and held in contempt, will be the first to experience the glorious light of liberation. This will happen like it did when Gideon’s tiny band defeated the powerful army of the Midians in the days of old.


The Psalmist declares his trust in YAHWEH as his light and salvation and in whose presence he desires to dwell concealed from his enemies. There he will be sure to rise above them and be safe, if only YAHWEH will grant him a hearing.

New Testament

St. Paul exhorts the Corinthians to live in the unity of the one in whose name they have been baptized. He reminds them that his own calling is not even to baptize, let alone have people be his disciples. He is only a servant of Christ, who has sent him to preach the gospel of the cross that, although seeming foolish to unbelievers, is actually the power of God for salvation.


St. Matthew tells us that when Jesus withdrew to obscurity in Galilee, a region long under a Gentile cloud, he was fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah. It is there that he begins to assemble his tiny band of disciples and the dawning light of God’s kingdom blessings begins to shine in the darkness.


Readings for January 15, 2017 Year A Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 49:1-7
  • Psalm 40:1-11

Second Reading

  • 1 Corinthians 1:1-9


  • John 1:29-42

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Using the striking image of the nation as a sharpened arrow pointed at the nations, Isaiah speaks in the voice of YAHWEH’s chosen servant, Israel. The servant’s task is to return to God and be used for his own glory, manifesting the light of salvation to the nations. Although Israel is presently despised, the glorious blessing of YAHWEH upon it will so sharply strike the nations that even foreign kings shall worship its God. The Psalmist counts himself as someone whom YAHWEH has rescued from the pit, set on a rock, and enabled to sing a new song of praise that leads many to faith. It was not sacrifice that has saved him but a heart receptive to YAHWEH’s steadfast love and mercy. St. Paul celebrates the grace of God that has been manifested to the Corinthians. Every spiritual gift has been poured out upon them as part of the fellowship of Christ being instituted throughout the world. Today’s Gospel portrays the ministry of John the Baptist as a humble servant pointing to one greater than he. He has seen the Holy Spirit descend like a dove upon his cousin Jesus, unmistakably identifying him as the Son of God. Two of his own disciples then begin to follow Jesus, leading to the recruitment of Peter, or “the Rock” on whom the church will be set.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Using the striking image of the nation as a sharpened arrow pointed at the nations, Isaiah speaks in the voice of YAHWEH’s chosen servant, Israel. The servant’s task is to return to God and be used for his own glory, manifesting the light of salvation to the nations. Although Israel is presently despised, the glorious blessing of YAHWEH upon it will so sharply strike the nations that even foreign kings shall worship its God.


The Psalmist counts himself as someone whom YAHWEH has rescued from the pit, set on a rock, and enabled to sing a new song of praise that leads many to faith. It was not sacrifice that has saved him but a heart receptive to YAHWEH’s steadfast love and mercy.

New Testament

St. Paul celebrates the grace of God that has been manifested to the Corinthians. Every spiritual gift has been poured out upon them as part of the fellowship of Christ being instituted throughout the world.


Today’s Gospel portrays the ministry of John the Baptist as a humble servant pointing to one greater than he. He has seen the Holy Spirit descend like a dove upon his cousin Jesus, unmistakably identifying him as the Son of God. Two of his own disciples then begin to follow Jesus, leading to the recruitment of Peter, or “the Rock” on whom the church will be set.

Readings for January 8, 2017 Year A Baptism of the Lord

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

Lection connection for January 6, 2017 Epiphany of the Lord  can  be found here.


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 42:1-9
  • Psalm 29

Second Reading

  • Acts 10:34-43


  • Matthew 3:13-17

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Through Isaiah YAHWEH speaks of sending his chosen servant to bring about justice throughout the earth. He will be anointed with the divine Spirit, but his task will be accomplished without fanfare, almost unnoticed. All the same, a new era will dawn and in him a covenant will be given, blind eyes will be opened and prisoners set free. The Psalmist first calls all heaven to worship YAHWEH while arrayed in the splendor of holiness. And then he exults in the awesome power of YAHWEH’s mighty voice as he sits enthroned over all. May this great God grant strength and peace to his people! In Acts we read of how Peter, having had his own eyes opened to the truth, addresses the Gentile centurion Cornelius with the good news: God is not partial to the Jews after all: Jesus is Lord of all. Although he began his ministry among the Jews in the days of John the baptizer, his resurrection revealed him as judge of the living and the dead. Anyone who believes in him will be set free from his or her sins. In the Gospel, John the Baptist defers to Jesus as his superior but Jesus insists on undergoing baptism to fulfill all righteousness. His baptism culminates with his being anointed with the divine Spirit and the voice of God mightily proclaiming him as his beloved Son.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Through Isaiah YAHWEH speaks of sending his chosen servant to bring about justice throughout the earth. He will be anointed with the divine Spirit, but his task will be accomplished without fanfare, almost unnoticed. All the same, a new era will dawn and in him a covenant will be given, blind eyes will be opened and prisoners set free.


The Psalmist first calls all heaven to worship YAHWEH while arrayed in the splendor of holiness. And then he exults in the awesome power of YAHWEH’s mighty voice as he sits enthroned over all. May this great God grant strength and peace to his people!

New Testament

Acts we read of how Peter, having had his own eyes opened to the truth, addresses the Gentile centurion Cornelius with the good news: God is not partial to the Jews after all: Jesus is Lord of all. Although he began his ministry among the Jews in the days of John the baptizer, his resurrection revealed him as judge of the living and the dead. Anyone who believes in him will be set free from his or her sins.


In the Gospel, John the Baptist defers to Jesus as his superior but Jesus insists on undergoing baptism to fulfill all righteousness. His baptism culminates with his being anointed with the divine Spirit and the voice of God mightily proclaiming him as his beloved Son.

Readings for January 6, 2017 Year A The Epiphany of Our Lord

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 60:1-6
  • Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14

Second Reading

  • Ephesians 3:1-12


  • Matthew 2:1-12

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Isaiah informs the nation of Israel that, while things are indeed dark at present, a time will come when all that will change dramatically. The glory of YAHWEH himself will shine upon them so powerfully that all the nations will be attracted to it. They shall bring the wealth of the seas and the land, including gold and frankincense, to present to a joyful Israel. The Psalm is a prayer for the king, that he may rule in justice and righteousness, defending the poor and crushing the oppressor. May the kings of the nations bring him tribute and gifts, bowing down and serving him. May he live forever! St. Paul speaks of the mystery, now revealed especially in his own apostleship, of how the Gentiles are to be included in the people of God. This was always God’s purpose in sending Jesus, to whom anyone can come by faith. St. Matthew tells of how wise men from the Gentile lands to the East arrived at the court of King Herod with news that a king must have been born nearby, one whose birth was marked by a great sign in the sky. Sent to the village of Bethlehem and following the star, they found the infant. Bowing deeply, they presented royal gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Leaving directly for home, they failed to report to Herod because he had other plans for the child who would be king.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Isaiah informs the nation of Israel that, while things are indeed dark at present, a time will come when all that will change dramatically. The glory of YAHWEH himself will shine upon them so powerfully that all the nations will be attracted to it. They shall bring the wealth of the seas and the land, including gold and frankincense, to present to a joyful Israel.


The Psalm is a prayer for the king, that he may rule in justice and righteousness, defending the poor and crushing the oppressor. May the kings of the nations bring him tribute and gifts, bowing down and serving him. May he live forever!

New Testament

St. Paul speaks of the mystery, now revealed especially in his own apostleship, of how the Gentiles are to be included in the people of God. This was always God’s purpose in sending Jesus, to whom anyone can come by faith.


St. Matthew tells of how wise men from the Gentile lands to the East arrived at the court of King Herod with news that a king must have been born nearby, one whose birth was marked by a great sign in the sky. Sent to the village of Bethlehem and following the star, they found the infant. Bowing deeply, they presented royal gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Leaving directly for home, they failed to report to Herod because he had other plans for the child who would be king.


Readings for January 1, 2017 Year A First Sunday after Christmas Day

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 63:7-9
  • Psalm 148

Second Reading

  • Hebrews 2:10-18


  • Matthew 2:13-23

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

In Isaiah’s day God’s people were under serious threat and things were not looking good. The prophet reminds them of YAHWEH’s many past kindnesses to their ancestors in words that call to mind their escape from the grasp of Pharaoh in the days of the Exodus. In so doing he emphasizes that salvation was gained, not through a mere messenger, but through God’s very Presence carrying them each step of the way. The Psalmist exhorts the inhabitants of the heavens and then the creatures of the earth, animate and inanimate alike, to praise YAHWEH as their creator. A mighty one such as this has been provided for his people! The writer of Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus, as the pioneer of our salvation, has become one of us, sharing our flesh and blood and our experience as human beings. This makes him fit to be both the sacrifice for sin and a faithful high priest to offer it on our behalf. Matthew recounts how, under the direct guidance of God’s angel each step of the way, the holy family escaped the threat of Herod’s grasp by going down to Egypt and then returning in safety to the Holy Land. He draws attention to how all this resonates with the experience of ancient Israel.

As Introductions

Old Testament

In Isaiah’s day God’s people were under serious threat and things were not looking good. The prophet reminds them of YAHWEH’s many past kindnesses to their ancestors in words that call to mind their escape from the grasp of Pharaoh in the days of the Exodus. In so doing he emphasizes that salvation was gained, not through a mere messenger, but through God’s very Presence carrying them each step of the way.


The Psalmist exhorts the inhabitants of the heavens and then the creatures of the earth, animate and inanimate alike, to praise YAHWEH as their creator. A mighty one such as this has been provided for his people!

New Testament

The writer of Hebrews emphasizes that Jesus, as the pioneer of our salvation, has become one of us, sharing our flesh and blood and our experience as human beings. This makes him fit to be both the sacrifice for sin and a faithful high priest to offer it on our behalf.


Matthew recounts how, under the direct guidance of God’s angel each step of the way, the holy family escaped the threat of Herod’s grasp by going down to Egypt and then returning in safety to the Holy Land. He draws attention to how all this resonates with the experience of ancient Israel.


Readings for December 25, 2016 Year A Christmas Proper 1

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 9:2-7
  • Psalm 96

Second Reading

  • Titus 2:11-14


  • Luke 2:1-20

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Isaiah, writing at the lowest point in Israel’s history, sets forth a remarkable vision of a time in which the nation’s fortunes will be wonderfully and miraculously reversed. A son will be given to the line of David and he will exercise his power and authority wisely, ruling forever over a kingdom of peace, justice and righteousness. This will come about because YAHWEH is behind him all the way. The Psalmist calls all the nations to abandon their idols and come to worship YAHWEH in a song they have never sung before. He is coming to judge the peoples fairly and bringing salvation with him. As a result even nature will join in a universal outpouring of praise. St. Paul declares that through the death of Jesus Christ God’s grace has come into a world set against him, bringing salvation to all. This same grace is preparing us to live godly lives as we await his final appearing at the end of the age. St. Luke tells of how Jesus came into this world in the line of David, in the city of David, and with the praise of angels. But it was to a band of humble shepherds they appeared and it was to a simple manger the men were sent. There they caught a glimpse of the tiny Saviour whose coming had shattered their nighttime sky into glorious light. It was Messiah at last!

As Introductions

Old Testament

Isaiah, writing at the lowest point in Israel’s history, sets forth a remarkable vision of a time in which the nation’s fortunes will be wonderfully and miraculously reversed. A son will be given to the line of David and he will exercise his power and authority wisely, ruling forever over a kingdom of peace, justice and righteousness. This will come about because YAHWEH is behind him all the way.


The Psalmist calls all the nations to abandon their idols and come to worship YAHWEH in a song they have never sung before. He is coming to judge the peoples fairly and bringing salvation with him. As a result even nature will join in a universal outpouring of praise.

New Testament

St. Paul declares that through the death of Jesus Christ God’s grace has come into a world set against him, bringing salvation to all. This same grace is preparing us to live godly lives as we await his final appearing at the end of the age.


St. Luke tells of how Jesus came into this world in the line of David, in the city of David, and with the praise of angels. But it was to a band of humble shepherds they appeared and it was to a simple manger the men were sent. There they caught a glimpse of the tiny Saviour whose coming had shattered their nighttime sky into glorious light. It was Messiah at last!

Readings for December 18, 2016 Year A Fourth Sunday of Advent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 7:10-16
  • Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19

Second Reading

  • Romans 1:1-7


  • Matthew 1:18-25

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Challenged by two attacking armies, King Ahaz of Judah, apparently not quite believing Isaiah’s prophecy of victory for his troops, hesitates to ask for a confirming sign. In response, a rather exasperated YAHWEH provides a sign himself: a young woman, perhaps even a virgin, shall bear an extraordinary son named “God is with us” or Emmanuel, and before he even knows right from wrong the fortunes of the enemy will be reversed. The Psalm is a plea to the Shepherd of Israel to put aside his anger with his sheep and shine his face upon them again. Then his right hand man can go into action; then they will be saved and restored; then they will never again turn away from their God; then they will have life. St. Paul begins his letter to the Romans by reminding them that they, as non-Jews, have especially benefited from his calling as apostle to the Gentiles. The Gospel they have received was promised in the Jewish Old Testament prophecies about a Jewish Messiah, the Son of David. Jesus not only fits this description, he was actually declared Son of God by his resurrection from the dead. By grace they too have been welcomed into his now universal fold. Matthew relates how Joseph is directed by an angel to follow through on his engagement to Mary because she is with child through an extraordinary act of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the son she is carrying will save his people from their sins! This birth by a virgin, Matthew tells us, is actually the ultimate fulfillment of the promise of Emmanuel given through the prophet.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Challenged by two attacking armies, King Ahaz of Judah, apparently not quite believing Isaiah’s prophecy of victory for his troops, hesitates to ask for a confirming sign. In response, a rather exasperated YAHWEH provides a sign himself: a young woman, perhaps even a virgin, shall bear an extraordinary son named “God is with us” or Emmanuel, and before he even knows right from wrong the fortunes of the enemy will be reversed.


The Psalm is a plea to the Shepherd of Israel to put aside his anger with his sheep and shine his face upon them again. Then his right hand man can go into action; then they will be saved and restored; then they will never again turn away from their God; then they will have life.

New Testament

St. Paul begins his letter to the Romans by reminding them that they, as non-Jews, have especially benefited from his calling as apostle to the Gentiles. The Gospel they have received was promised in the Jewish Old Testament prophecies about a Jewish Messiah, the Son of David. Jesus not only fits this description, he was actually declared Son of God by his resurrection from the dead. By grace they too have been welcomed into his now universal fold.


Matthew relates how Joseph is directed by an angel to follow through on his engagement to Mary because she is with child through an extraordinary act of the Holy Spirit. In fact, the son she is carrying will save his people from their sins! This birth by a virgin, Matthew tells us, is actually the ultimate fulfillment of the promise of Emmanuel given through the prophet.



Readings for December 11, 2016 Year A Third Sunday of Advent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection


First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 35:1-10
  • Psalm 146:5-10

Alternative “Psalm”

  • Luke 1:46b-55

Second Reading

  • James 5:7-10


  • Matthew 11:2-11

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

The prophet Isaiah foresees YAHWEH gloriously bursting into creation and the life of his people, bringing about dramatic reverses of fortune. The parched land will blossom and flourish while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. All the ransomed will return along a new highway to Zion in a transformed state of everlasting joy. The Psalmist declares happy all those whose hope is in YAHWEH because he will keep faith forever. He is the creator, after all, and the one who lifts up all who are oppressed and brings down all who are wicked. He will reign forever in Zion. James encourages his readers to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops while they look toward the coming of the Lord. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings as did the prophets before them. The Gospel today relates how John the Baptist, having been imprisoned by Herod, sends representatives to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come after all. Jesus tells them simply to report what they see: the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor receive good news. He then teaches the crowds that although John is in fact the herald of Messiah, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

As Introductions

Old Testament

The prophet Isaiah foresees YAHWEH gloriously bursting into creation and the life of his people, bringing about dramatic reverses of fortune. The parched land will blossom and flourish while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. All the ransomed will return along a new highway to Zion in a transformed state of everlasting joy.


The Psalmist declares happy all those whose hope is in YAHWEH because he will keep faith forever. He is the creator, after all, and the one who lifts up all who are oppressed and brings down all who are wicked. He will reign forever in Zion.

New Testament

James encourages his readers to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops while they look toward the coming of the Lord. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives to set things right, they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings as did the prophets before them.


The Gospel today relates how John the Baptist, having been imprisoned by Herod, sends representatives to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come after all. Jesus tells them simply to report what they see: the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor receive good news. He then teaches the crowds that although John is in fact the herald of Messiah, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Based on the Alternative Readings

The prophet Isaiah foresees YAHWEH gloriously bursting into creation and the life of his people, bringing about dramatic reverses of fortune. The parched land will blossom and flourish while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. All the ransomed will return along a new highway to Zion in a transformed state of everlasting joy. In Mary’s Song, the Virgin praises God for raising her from obscurity to become the mother of the Lord. She proclaims this as part of the divine pattern of lifting up the lowly and needy and putting down the proud and rich, a pattern that is rooted in the covenant promise made to Abraham and his descendants. James encourages his readers to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops while they look toward the coming of the Lord. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives to set things right, they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings as did the prophets before them. The Gospel today relates how John the Baptist, having been imprisoned by Herod, sends representatives to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come after all. Jesus tells them simply to report what they see: the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor receive good news. He then teaches the crowds that although John is in fact the herald of Messiah, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

As Introductions

Old Testament

The prophet Isaiah foresees YAHWEH gloriously bursting into creation and the life of his people, bringing about dramatic reverses of fortune. The parched land will blossom and flourish while the blind will see, the lame will walk and the deaf will hear. All the ransomed will return along a new highway to Zion in a transformed state of everlasting joy.


In Mary’s Song, the Virgin praises God for raising her from obscurity to become the mother of the Lord. She proclaims this as part of the divine pattern of lifting up the lowly and needy and putting down the proud and rich, a pattern that is rooted in the covenant promise made to Abraham and his descendants.

New Testament

James encourages his readers to be as patient as a farmer waiting for his crops while they look toward the coming of the Lord. He assures them that since it will not be long before the judge arrives to set things right, they should remain in unity with one another and endure their sufferings as did the prophets before them.


The Gospel today relates how John the Baptist, having been imprisoned by Herod, sends representatives to Jesus in order to confirm that he is the one to come after all. Jesus tells them simply to report what they see: the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor receive good news. He then teaches the crowds that although John is in fact the herald of Messiah, the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.




Readings for December 4, 2016 Year A Second Sunday of Advent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 11:1-10
  • Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19

Second Reading

  • Romans 15:4-13


  • Matthew 3:1-12

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Through Isaiah YAHWEH announces that the line of King David’s father Jesse will be revived with the coming of a righteous and just ruler endowed with the Spirit of God. He will preside over a kingdom in which the poor and the meek shall thrive while even nature, red in tooth and claw, shall be transformed. As a result all nations will be drawn to this coming monarch. The Psalmist prays that the king of his own day or perhaps a future king will be a righteous judge who delivers the poor and punishes the oppressor. Long may he reign while righteousness flourishes and peace abounds. It is YAHWEH who will accomplish all this and whose glory already fills the whole earth. St. Paul calls upon the Christians in Rome to live in accord with one another, especially in giving glory to God. They should welcome each other just as Jesus has welcomed them, as Gentiles, into the kingdom. He affirms that Scripture has foreseen and celebrated this development as part of the promise of Isaiah regarding the line of Jesse, giving hope to all nations. Matthew tells us that the wild appearance of John the Baptist in the desert is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s word that the forerunner of the LORD would be just such a figure. John rebukes those who are self-righteous because they have been born as Jews, pointing out that what God requires is true repentance: merely being children of Abraham does not qualify anyone for the coming kingdom. He then tells the crowd that the one who is coming after him will baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. Look out!

As Introductions

Old Testament

Through Isaiah YAHWEH announces that the line of King David’s father Jesse will be revived with the coming of a righteous and just ruler endowed with the Spirit of God. He will preside over a kingdom in which the poor and the meek shall thrive while even nature, red in tooth and claw, shall be transformed. As a result all nations will be drawn to this coming monarch.


The Psalmist prays that the king of his own day or perhaps a future king will be a righteous judge who delivers the poor and punishes the oppressor. Long may he reign while righteousness flourishes and peace abounds. It is YAHWEH who will accomplish all this and whose glory already fills the whole earth.

New Testament

St. Paul calls upon the Christians in Rome to live in accord with one another, especially in giving glory to God. They should welcome each other just as Jesus has welcomed them, as Gentiles, into the kingdom. He affirms that Scripture has foreseen and celebrated this development as part of the promise of Isaiah regarding the line of Jesse, giving hope to all nations.


Matthew tells us that the wild appearance of John the Baptist in the desert is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s word that the forerunner of the LORD would be just such a figure. John rebukes those who are self-righteous because they have been born as Jews, pointing out that what God requires is true repentance: merely being children of Abraham does not qualify anyone for the coming kingdom. He then tells the crowd that the one who is coming after him will baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire. Look out!




Readings for November 27, 2016 Year A First Sunday of Advent

Please see How to Use Lection Connection

First Reading and Psalm

  • Isaiah 2:1-5
  • Psalm 122

Second Reading

  • Romans 13:11-14


  • Matthew 24:36-44

Full lections can be read here.

Based on the Readings as Set

Isaiah sees a time when Jerusalem, as the location of the temple, will be exalted and attract the nations eager to learn the ways of God as his word issues forth from its precincts. The LORD shall act as judge between the nations, resulting in an everlasting and universal peace. The prophet then urges his readers to “walk in the light of the LORD.” The Psalmist exults in the joy of finding himself in the house of YAHWEH and within the walls of Jerusalem. Here is the very centre of divine worship and the place of kingly judgment. He ends with an exhortation to pray for its peace. St. Paul reminds the Christians at Rome that as the night is almost over they should cast off the works of darkness and live as in the day. Which means clothing oneself with Jesus and casting off the works of the flesh. In the Gospel Jesus deals with his second coming, how no one except the Father knows the hour. He likens it to the days of Noah when judgment took away those not ready and left behind the faithful who were saved on the ark. We are to live each moment as if it was the expected hour, living as we should be living and therefore ready to greet the Son of Man.

As Introductions

Old Testament

Isaiah sees a time when Jerusalem, as the location of the temple, will be exalted and attract the nations eager to learn the ways of God as his word issues forth from its precincts. The LORD shall act as judge between the nations, resulting in an everlasting and universal peace. The prophet then urges his readers to “walk in the light of the LORD.”


The Psalmist exults in the joy of finding himself in the house of YAHWEH and within the walls of Jerusalem. Here is the very centre of divine worship and the place of kingly judgment. He ends with an exhortation to pray for its peace.

New Testament

St. Paul reminds the Christians at Rome that as the night is almost over they should cast off the works of darkness and live as in the day. Which means clothing oneself with Jesus and casting off the works of the flesh.


In the Gospel Jesus deals with his second coming, how no one except the Father knows the hour. He likens it to the days of Noah when judgment took away those not ready and left behind the faithful who were saved on the ark. We are to live each moment as if it was the expected hour, living as we should be living and therefore ready to greet the Son of Man.