Rev. George R. Eves
George R. Eves is an Author and retired priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. He holds the ThM degree from Wycliffe College, University of Toronto and taught the Bible at Taylor College of Mission and Evangelism in Saint John, New Brunswick. He is married with two daughters who are now blessing him with grandchildren.
His most recent book “In the Bosom of Abraham: How Three Ancient Promises Embrace the Biblical Story” invites you to read the Old Testament as an actual story. Rev. Eves allows each episode to build upon the previous, demonstrating how the biblical narrative embodies the three conventional promises that God made to Abraham: Land, Many Descendants, and a Blessing to All Nations. This allows the reader to better understand the Old Testament’s profound unity and divine inspiration.
He is also the author of the self-published “Two Religions, One Church: Division and Destiny in the Anglican Church of Canada.”
The Revised Common Lectionary
The “Revised Common Lectionary” is the source of the Scripture passages that are read each week in many churches. Included are selections from the Old Testament, Psalms, Epistles and Gospels.
This new feature is dedicated to all those (including preachers!) who sometimes find the connection between the Scriptures assigned each Sunday to be less than obvious. Here one will find suggestions as to how they all come together and provide enriching perspectives on a single theme.
Lections can be found at: