All Saints Day, November 1, 2018, Year B

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Based on the Readings as Set

First Reading (Isaiah 25:6-9)

Isaiah looks forward to a time of great celebration when the Lord provides a rich feast honouring Israel before the nations. Death will be banished for ever and Israel will finally enjoy the salvation for which she has waited and joyfully credit the Lord her God.

 Psalm (24)

The Psalmist celebrates the Lord as creator and states that only the righteous can ascend into the presence of such an almighty God for blessing and vindication. The city gates are exhorted to lift themselves up in welcome to the Lord, the King of glory.

Second Reading (Revelation 21:1-6a)

In his great vision, John sees a new heaven and earth appear while the new Jerusalem descends out of heaven as the dwelling of God among his people. Tears and death are banished for ever as all things are made new by him who is the beginning and the end.

Gospel (John 11:32-44)

Jesus, arriving three days too late to heal Lazarus, is criticized by his grieving sister Mary. Moved, Jesus weeps on the way to his tomb. Praying that his Father will be glorified and belief generated, he calls the dead man out. He emerges still bound in his graveclothes.


  • God is bringing about a future in which death is no more
  • Jesus is bringing his Father’s future into our present
  • All sorrow and grief will be transcended in the kingdom of God when it fully arrives, but in the meantime…
  • The recipients of God’s salvation will be fully vindicated and blessed

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